Local emo called emo! More at 8

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 Nico had decided that he'd rather do jobs for his father than ever work in costumer service ever again. He had no idea how Hazel hadn't snapped yet. Maybe she was just stronger.

 After that boy had left Nicos day had continued to go to shit. The next five customers who came in where more annoying than the zombie somehow. Three of them demanded that he call his manager and the other two tried to intimidate him. Apparently they worked for Club Penguin. Or was it a penguin? Some relation to Happy Feet. Frankly he didn't care. They had business with the Furies now. 

 It was a good thing that Hazel's apartment was right above the store cause he was bound toget some odd looks with all the red. Or maybe not. It was Gotham City after all. Where grass ain't green but the girls are.

 When he got to Hazel's place he found his sister. And his sworn enemies(+ Lavinia)

 Ok, maybe Leo Valdez and Frank Zhang weren't his sworn enemies but they could be. Leo cause he was well Leo and Frank... He knows what he did.

 The four where sitting in the living room enjoying some pizza and sprite.

  Frank was wearing a purple sweater which was probably his praetor robe, blue jeans and bear slippers. Somehow despite being the oldest there he barely looked any different then when he was sixteen. Just a lot taller.

 Leo was wearing a white T-shirt with a brown leather jacket and some pink bunny slippers. His curly hair was caught back in a low ponytail and a pair of Ray-Bans sat on the top of his head. Unlike Frank he hadn't had any luck in the height department. 

 Lavinia had her pink hair in French braids with a light blue bow at the end of each. She was wearing a light blue dress the same shade as her bows. Her black leggings where fashionably ripped and she'd traded her dancing shoes for a pair of pink giraffe slippers. 

 His sister was sporting a light purple cardigan over a white turtle neck.  Her faded baggy jeans had doodles all over. Around her neck there was the necklace that Nico had gotten her along with a purple sketchbook.

 -Hey, Nico! Look who dropped- Shit why are you covered in blood? Are you hurt?- Frank winced at Hazel's language. 

 - Dude, who'd you murder?

 - Need any help burning the bodies? Me and Lavinia here can help.

 - Leo, no. This applies to you too Lavinia. And Hazel language. Let's let Nico explain why he looks like Bloody Mary, but emo.

 -Why does everyone insist on calling me emo today?

A\N this chapter was delayed due to the fact that I've been a bit sick these days. I'd like to thank pink lemonade Cool-Aid for making this possible and Cyberpunk: Edgerunners for inspiring what is probably my most crack idea for fic yet.  And thank you too everybody who read and is reading this. I can't believe this got to 2k reads. Thank you so much for your continued support! <3

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