Blue Labyrinth

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Your throat felt dry and your skin was cold to the touch, the cold made you tired and your eyes slowly closed with each step forward.

How long had you wandered through the tunnels now? It felt like an eternity since you've last seen the sunlight and you couldn't appreciate the beauty of the blue magical glow anymore. Every way you took looked the same as the one you wandered before.

The tunnels were colder than the nights you experienced in the snow. You desperately wanted to take a break and rest, maybe even sleep a bit, but you knew that would be a fatal mistake. The others weren't in a better state.

You looked at Narancia, who held the map up, trying to read it and find the right way. All hope to get home someday would be burried beside you under the ice. You faced enemies and the forces of nature, just to end up dying in some tunnel, so close to your goal. It felt like a bad joke.

It must have been hours since any of you last spoke. Maybe you had been in here for days, who knows? There was no way to tell how much time passed.

Why did you have to follow that stupid frog?

It wasn't the first time that you asked yourself that question and it certainly wouldn't be the last time during this journey.

Taking a deep breath you tried to focus on your feet and the steps you took.

'one foot after the other, one foot after the other, breathe in, breathe out'

Meanwhile Narancia was focused on the map. Which tunnel was the right one? He was determined to lead those people to Bucciarati, for the rebellion, for his friends, his family. If he had to he would dig through the ice with his bare hands to get them out of there. He didn't want to disappoint them, he wouldn't disappoint them!

"We are almost there!" he lied. He figured it would motivate the others to keep going. There was no way he would let anyone of them give up now.

Ghiaccio was the one with less problems than the others, he was from the north, this was as much his naturel habitat as the swamp was for Pesci. But even he began to feel cold, he didn't want to imagine how it was for the others who weren't used to these temperatures.

Melones teeth chattered and his hands were rubbing his arms for warmth. There was nothing he wanted to do more then sit down by a fire and rest. 'Soon' he told himself, 'Soon we will reach Bucciarati and we will be warm, even if it is in a prison cell.'

Formaggio had it the worst, he was from the dark sands, a desert, a warm environment that he now could only dream of. Oh how he wished in that moment that he never left his home. It felt so far away now. He missed the warm starry nights he spent there as a kid, before Diavolo crowned himself king and before the red weeds had poisoned everyone. That was why he was doing this. He wanted those nights back, he told himself. And if he wanted them back he'd have to march through the cold a bit longer, had to keep hope a bit longer.

Risotto watched his entire team, on the inside he was worried. About them, about what would happen if you ever left those tunnels alive. They were his friends, sometimes even like his family. They had saved each other's lives countless times and he would trust each of them with his. If he had to he would carry each one of them out, he wasn't going to lose another of his friends.

The last few days he noticed how you had inserted yourself well into the team, how you had treated them like they were your friends. It was impressive and foolish at the same time how quickly you trusted them with your life. He appreciated that.

No one in the Underlands would have done what you did.

His thoughts were interrupted when you fell onto the icy ground, you just slumped down in exhaustion. Your eyes were closed  and to an outsider it might have looked like you were just sleeping.

Quickly everyone was kneeling beside you, Prosciutto felt your pulse, it was weak but still there. The strain combined with the cold and hunger had taken a toll on your body. They would have to carry you and keep you warm till you reached the camp.

"How long?" was all the red eyed man asked.

"Only a few more junctions and we should be out of here." This time Narancia spoke the truth.

Despite some protests from the others Risotto began to carry you. Your breathing was shallow, but regularly. Good.

Each step forward brought them closer to their goal, to their possible punishment or reward. It brought you closer to the prophecy that everyone wanted you to fulfill. If you would have been conscious during those moments in the tunnel, you would've felt scared and nervous. There was no way to know what was going to happen to you once you reached the camp.

Lucky for you, you were still passed out as Risotto took the first steps out of the tunnels into crisp, cold air and snow.

Infrot of them stretched the destination of their trip: The rebel camp at the snow cliffs. Countless of tents, some smaller some bigger. The banner of the prince was hissed high above them, fluttering in the wind in it's blue, white and gold colors.

The end of their journey in front of them, just like the guards of the prince who recognized Narancia.

"We need to see prince Bucciarati and a medic immediately!" the boy demanded, attempting to break through the two hunks who had their swords drawn.

"Stay back boy, we know who you are, but the kings men are not welcome here, not even as prisoners." the guard nodded towards the rest of the men behind Narancia.

"Let him through." an authoritarian voice spoke from behind them, "They are here at my command."

The guards gave way to a man dressed in white, a golden crown with a white lily on it adorned his raven black hair, which was kept in a short bob.

The prince was young, Risotto guessed he was in his early twenties. Considering that at this young age he had an army at his command was impressive.

"Bucciarati." Narancia bowed his head at his leader in respect before he continued to speak, "It's about the human, they need a doctor!"

Bucciaratis gaze landed on you being held by Risotto.

"Pomodoro." he called out to one of the guards "bring them to the medical tent."

As the guard moved to take you out of Risottos arms he moved a step back. "We protected her the entire way, I'm sure we can handle bringing her to the medical tent."

"That is not your decision to make." the prince replied sharply. "She will be tended to and then questioned by my men. I assure you that nothing will happen to her."

Reluctantly Risotto gave your limp body to the guard who disappeared between the endless rows of tents.

"Now," the prince eyed each of them closely, "I want each of you in handcuffs first, before you explain to me why all of you had a sudden change of mind about your occupation."

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