Beginning Of A Departure

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The next day you noticed that many people at camp seemed to be in a rush. They were carrying food, weapons, armor, clothes. So many things, all carried towards the docs at the white cliffs.

What was going on?

You sat down next to Narancia at the table. The boy was munching on some porridge and talked to you with a full mouth.

"Morning" he managed to spit out between bites.

"Narancia, what is going on? Everyone looks stressed and is carrying something to some place."

Narancia shrugged "Bucciarati announced that three ships will sail towards the river roads to scout for Diavolos troups and then continue south along the coast, till they reach the shore of lights. It's mainly an expedition, but they're also setting up a second camp in the river roads to prepare for battle."

" Battle?! "

" Well at least that's how I heard it." the boy said nonchalant.

You had lost your appetite after hearing that, shoving your portion of the breakfast over to Narancia.

" Do you think I could go talk to Bucciarati? I want to know a bit more about his plan."

"Sure, he'll probably be able to explain it better than me. Honestly I'm as surprised as you are and so was Abbaccio. I don't know why he's acting so quick all of a sudden." the boy was just as clueless as you were, but he continued shoving the food into his mouth.

You stood up and strutted over to Bucciaratis tent, the snow was so deep that it was getting in your boots. You shuddered at the cold feeling.

When you reached the Princes tent, you heard voices from inside and if you weren't mistaken it were the voices of Bucciarati and Abbaccio and it sounded like they were arguing.

You decided to eavesdrop for a bit, every bit of information could prove useful to you, even if it didn't feel right to just spy on them.

"-have thought about what to do with them very clearly!" you could make out Bucciaratis voice. "This is the choice I made, for my people! If we wait any longer they will wonder why I don't act. Leone, it gets worse every day. I had to make a decision!" his voice got louder at the end, accentuating a certain desperation in his voice.

"I know! But sending them? It's like you are out of your goddamn mind. You didn't even discuss this with me beforehand. You're acting prematurely, Bucciarati and I can't understand why." Abbaccios tone was calmer, he almost sounded disappointed.

"This is as important to me as it is to you and I felt the need to finally do something, other than training and sitting down and looking at different maps." Bucciarati had calmed down, you could imagine his exhausted expression.

You heard Abbaccio talk about how he would still support everyone of Bucciaratis decisions, before you decided to announce your presence by knocking against one of the wooden posts of the tent before asking if you could enter.

The tent flaps push open and Abbaccio walks out, no sign of the fight you just witnessed can be found in his expression. He looks stoic as usual.

You watch as he rushes away to some other place, probably to calm down.

You haltingly step in and are met with Bucciaratis tired eyes, the sight fills you with pity.

" Is everything alright?" you manage to ask before you notice how dim his white aura has become. You feel like an idiot, because clearly he's not alright.

"Im fine." the obvious lie slips through his teeth " There is just a lot I have to handle right now."

"Thats also why I'm here, I need to ask you about what's going on."

Tales Of The Underlands			 (jjba part 5 Wonderland AU) Where stories live. Discover now