Catching Up

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The inside of the tent was lit by a fire so that you could make out the outlines of the others in the small room. There wasn't much to look at anyway, a few sleeping bags on the ground, a table and two benches. You saw the bags, that the man carried while traveling, laying abandoned in some corner.

Eyes of various glowing colors turned to you and you swore you heard a sigh of relief from who you assumed was Pesci.

In seconds they were in front of you, swarming to you like bees to a pretty flower.

Even if they were up in your personal space, they kept a bit of distance, probably because they didn't want to risk Bucciaratis men bargaining in.

Questions were thrown at you from various directions, till one deep voice interrupted them all and you met the red eyes of the Troup leader.

"Give them some space and stop talking."

And just like that they all fell silent.

You let out a breath, before Risotto spoke again.
"Why are you here, we're currently under house arrest, because we were deemed to dangerous to walk around freely, so why would you come here?"

"I wanted to see you guys. You saved my life after all. I traveled with you for over a week, I doubt you'd do anything to me. I was worried about what would happen to you, so I asked if I could visit. Bucciarati allowed it." did Risotto not want you here?

" We're glad you decided to pay us a visit." Melone chimed in, " Its nice to see a pretty face again."

Even house arrest couldn't change Melone, it seemed.

As you eyed them, you were reliefed to find that they looked unharmed. They were not beaten nor was there any indication for psychological torture.

"What happened after I passed out?"

"Risotto carried you out of the tunnels, when we reached the camp a guard brought you to a doctor and Bucciarati took us to get interrogated separately. We were asked why we decided to betray Diavolo and it looks like our answer was good enough to convince him that we shouldn't be killed, after that we all were brought into this tent where we have been for a day now." Prosciutto answered.

" I talked to Bucciarati yesterday and maybe I can convince him that you might be of use for his rebellion. He plans o-"

" Better not to tell us any of the Princes plans if you want to keep his trust." Formaggio interrupted you," It would be nice to be able to piss outside this tent without being watched as a start." he said the last part extra loud, like he wanted the guards to hear him.

It was true they had no privacy neither from each other, nor from the guards outside.

"Or they could at least give us our own tents." Illuso chimed in." I swear if I have to hear another of Ghiaccios rants in the middle of the night I'm going to get violent."

"As you can see, we're all going crazy without you."

You shrieked and stumbled back when you heard Melone whisper that in your ear, he had come closer without you noticing. He chuckled at your shocked expression and got a hit on the back of his head by Prosciutto.

"Did the prince tell you anything about when we could leave the tent." Pesci asked while the others were still arguing over Ghiaccios habits.

"Sadly no, but I'm sure he will not harm you, I can talk to him about it at training."

"Training?" Risottos attention was now on you, "He wants you to fight?"

"I think he just wants me to be able to defend myself, should the time for that ever come." you shrugged.

Tales Of The Underlands			 (jjba part 5 Wonderland AU) Where stories live. Discover now