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The night passed too quickly and before you even noticed the first golden sunrays of the day flooded the tent and tickled your face.

It was then that you asked yourself if that sun was the same that you knew from your world.

You decided that it was, just to ease your mind. If you were still wandering under the same sun you could find your way home. Constellations changed, they look different wherever on the planet you are, but the sun, the sun always looks the same. It always emits the same light, the same warmth.

How funny that something like the sun could make you feel at ease, make you calm down a bit and for a second it didn't feel like the fate of an entire kingdom and it's people rested on your shoulders.

You felt repetitive, in your thoughts you were always complaining about being a part of this prophecy, but this wasn't your world, not your reality. The people who lived here, the people you met, had to suffer under that tyrant for so many years. So many people sick or dead.

You grew up in a better world, if the same thing would be happening to your homeland, you were sure you would also pray for a savior. You could be that person to the Underlanders.

The Underlands were beautiful and mystic in their own way and with Bucciarati as the King they would flourish again.

This young man carried the hope and dreams of so many people and you carried his.

When you heard voices outside the tent, you decided to sit up. It sounded like two people arguing, one of the voices sounded familiar and you recognized that it belonged to Narancia. The other belonged to someone who sounded young as well.

After the argument went on for five more minutes and you managed to slip your clothes and boots on, you decided to leave the tent and see who Narancias interlocutor was.

As you opened the flaps you saw the boy with the orange glow and a jacket that was way too big for him argue with a slightly taller blond kid, who wore a green coat which already had some holes in it.

When he turned to look at you, you felt the anger radiate off of him and unconsciously you took a step back.

Narancia didn't notice that you were there and continued arguing with the blond.

"Already told you she's not an enemy. Bringing them here was actually pretty smart."

You coughed one time, to try and make him aware that you were now listening to their argument and Narancias head turned in your direction.

Now the boy seemed to notice you and his face broke out into a grin.

"There you are! Bucciarati said we need to wake you up and take you to breakfast with us. But you're already awake, so let's go." he waved you into the direction where you expected breakfast to be.

Today the snow glowed a lighter shade of blue in the sun and the cold didn't bite your skin as much as it used to.

Yes, being in the rebel camp already made you feel better.

The tent where they gave out the food rations was one of the bigger ones, a fire place in the middle and tables and benches positioned around it. There were some people, you assumed they were soldiers, occupying a few of them and filling the air with conversations. You only heard some small snippets here and there, but one sentence caught your attention.

'The black eyed Bastard and his man'

They were definitely talking about Risotto, you wondered how the guards treated them. Which caused you to decide that you would visit them right after breakfast.

Tales Of The Underlands			 (jjba part 5 Wonderland AU) Where stories live. Discover now