Something Familiar

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The training grounds weren't far from the tent where Risottos Squad resided in, so it didn't take you long to get there.

You were immediately greeted by Narancia and Mista with Fugo in the background. The former looking you up and down as if to check for any injuries you might've gotten from visiting Diavolos former subordinates. When he saw that you were alright he snatched your arm and dragged you over to a small tent at the sidelines.

"Bucciarati is going to join us later, he still has some Prince stuff to attend to, but he said that you can choose a weapon which suits your fighting style the best. If I may give you some advice you might want to choose something that compliments your companions fighting style too, so you can reach your full potential, like me and Aerosmith." he beamed proudly.

"Ah-eh I don-"

"Idiot, humans don't have companion s like we do, they can't connect their soul to something through the Starshine water." you were interrupted by Fugo.

"And how am I supposed to know that? You can't expect me to know that! That's the first human I've ever seen, so tell me how am I supposed to know?" Narancia looked rather upset at Fugos insult.

Before the blond could say something you decided to interfere.

" It's alright Narancia, there was no way you could know that. But thank you for the advice." you smiled at the young boy while putting a hand on his shoulder.

Fugo scoffed in the background. You wondered how he knew that humans didn't have companions,did he read about it somewhere?

Hesitantly you entered the tent. In the dim light you could make out various types of weapons. Swords and axes, spears and daggers. Hammers, pikes, bow and arrow and some other stuff that looked like nothing you knew from home. Probably the invention of Underlanders. Looking around for a bit you thought. The spear and pike would be too big for you to handle, axes and hammers were too heavy and slow, Bow and arrow needed precision and target practice. A sword would be hard to master, they were heavy too, so you decided that the dagger was the right choice for you. It would be enough for self defense.

As you turned to the daggers, there was one who immediately caught your eye. It looked like something modern from your world, almost like a survival knife. How did that get here?

It was a bit bigger then the others and you could see the reflection of your eyes in it's blade as you held it in front of your face.

This was definitely human made, you doubted that the Underlands were developed enough to make something with that quality. It was neither too light nor too heavy for you, in fact it felt perfectly balanced in your hand.

Well if it was from your home you would choose it as your weapon.

Stepping out of the tent you saw that Bucciarati had already arrived, at his side hung a silver sword, it's hilt decorated with golden flowers. His posture looked relaxed as he conversed with Fugo and Narancia, a bit further away stood the white haired guard that you had seen earlier, he was holding a pike now.

When he was done talking to Bucciarati Fugo stepped aside, while Narancia readied himself, in his hands he held a knife. You turned to Mista who stood a bit further from you, "Is Fugo not going to train today?"

Mista shrugged "Fugo never trains, he actually doesn't fight at all if he can avoid it."

Bucciarati seemed to notice you and excused himself from Narancia, before walking over to you.

His eyes fell on the dagger you chose, a smirk coming to his face. "I see you made your choice. I'm sure this dagger will serve you well."

Narancia had also made his way over and looked at the dagger with awe. "Is that the dagger that was found near the oak tree a few months ago?" he asked.

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