A Quiet Goodbye

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The next morning you stood at the docks, it was freezing cold and you could see your own breath, while the snowflakes and the waves danced together through the wind.

They would set sail today and after that you wouldn't see them for God knows how long. You knew Bucciarati was right, but that didn't make staying behind any easier.  You felt like a child that wasn't allowed at the adults table because it was reserved for 'the big kids'.

Being forced to watch people, whom you only knew for a month, sail away to an unknown fate felt worse than it should, but could anyone blame you? They saved your life multiple times and you began to care for them, even if Melone was disgusting at times, or Prosciutto was judging you for pointless things, Ghiaccios screaming was also not very pleasant, but you would still worry about them. You would even go as far as calling them your friends.

You felt a hand on your shoulder and again you wondered how someone as tall as Risotto managed to be so good at sneaking up on people.

"Why didn't you tell me?" you let out. You knew that you weren't entitled to knowing everything, but it would've been nice to get at least a little warning.

"I had my orders, but I hope you know that I'm sorry for just leaving you behind. We promised to protect you, but it seems like Bucciaratis men will have to keep our promise now."

If you had known Risotto better, you would've heard the defeat in his voice.

You sighed "Just promise that you'll look after each other. I'll try to convince Bucciarati to let me join you as soon as I can, hopefully with a cure." you managed a  small smile "And when we see each other again you can keep your promise of protecting me. So make sure to stay alive so that you will all be able to do that."

The man in front of you gave you a weak smile. You began to wonder if he or anyone else from his team were scared. Even if they weren't, you would be scared for them. Tears began to form in your eyes. Quickly you turned away from Risotto. They already thought you were weak, there was no need to validate their beliefs.

The sun was slowly rising over the horizon, setting the sea under her aflame. The light almost blinding you, but you couldn't look away, because that would mean looking back at him.

You two stood there in silence, just hearing the other breathe in the cold air around you. How long you were standing there, you didn't know, but it was certainly long enough for the sun to fully rise.

A shout behind you made you turn around. Formaggio waved while walking towards you, behind him where Illuso and Pesci and in the back you could make out the silhouettes of the others. Narancia and Mista would join them too, later on.

Since Giorno and Fugo were expecting you for your bloodletting you had to make this a quick goodbye. They all promised to be careful and gave you a hug, Melones took a bit too long for your liking, which caused Ghiaccio to peel him off of you before you could leave.

It was quick and quiet.

After arriving in your tent you had to sit down for a while. You thought about everything that had happened this last months. You fell down a hole, were almost kidnapped by a pink little guy, got saved by Risotto, found out you (well not you in perticular, but humans) were part of a prophecy that would dictate the fate of a nation, traveled through a world that looked like an LSD dream, almost died a few times, joined a rebellion and would now watch your new friends sail away into a war.

Only when you heard Fugos voice outside, calling for you, you noticed that you had been staring at your tent wall for half an hour.

His bickering brought you back to the present and you got up to join him and Giorno on the way to the research tent. You had gotten used to the fact that Giorno was a child rather quickly, even if he was just a boy he knew what he was doing when it came to the experiments. Fugo and him appeared to be close in age and intellect, which explained why they were the ones looking for a cure.

You were already used to the needle that would go into your arm. The procedure took less than five minutes, which were mostly spent chatting with Fugo or Giorno.

This time the tent was silent, no one said anything. They probably sensed your sadness about the departure of the others. Instead of talking you found yourself looking at the red weed plant under its glass dome. It was still so mesmerizing, drawing you in, calling out to you. You were hypnotized by it's beauty.

Luckily a tap on your arm by Fugo saved you from drifting deeper into the trance.

"We're done. You can leave and Bucciarati told me he wants to see you. It sounds important."

That surprised you. Still you thanked Fugo and started your walk to the Princes tent. The route had already become familiar from the many times you had walked here.

It looked like he already informed the guards about your visit,since they let you through without a word.

"Bucciarati?" You called out, since you couldn't see the Prince anywhere, you looked around the dimly lit tent.

The flaps behind you opened and Bucciarati set foot into the tent. He looked surprised to see you there.

"Fugo told me you wanted to see me?" you sounded unsure, maybe you misheard what the boy said?

"Oh, I remember, yes. I wanted to tell you that since Narancia will no longer be able to train you, you will train with me now, while Abbaccio will be an instructor for new recruits." he paused for a minute before continuing, "And I also invite you to join me for meals, only if you want to." he gave you a nervous smile.

"That is very kind of you Bucciarati, but is there something else you want to talk about, since Fugo made it seem like a pressing matter." there had to be something else, right?

He thought for a moment, looked like he was struggling to get the words out, before he answered.

"There's nothing else I want to discuss with you."

He was hiding something from you, you could see it in the way the white glow of his aura dimmed a bit, but you decided that you would need to stay on Bucciaratis good side for now and not press any further.

Just as you were about to leave he stopped you by calling your name.

" Now that I'm thinking about it, I have a question for you. It's not really important, but I'm curious. I hope I don't cross any boundaries by asking you this." he paused for a second, "What exactly was your relationship with Risotto? You seemed to be closer to him than you were to the other man on his team."

To say the question caught you off guard. You had expected anything else. It was a rather strange question and there was something in Bucciaratis expression that you couldn't pinpoint.

"He saved me when I first arrived here. I don't know what it looks like, but he and his entire team are like friends to me, even if I don't know them that well." you shrugged.

The prince seemed satisfied with that answer, but he still wore a slightly disappointed expression.

" I know you probably don't want to hear this," he began,"but I'd like to remind you to not trust them too much. Remember whom they worked for not too long ago."

With these words he let you go and you rushed out of the royal tent, into the cold.

A/N: I'm so sorry that it took me almost four months to come back. I had such a bad writers block, almost lost my obsession with jjba and had lots of mental breakdowns.
We're getting to the part were the slow burn doesn't burn so slow anymore, I guess.
I promise to try and update regularly again.
I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for reading!

Tales Of The Underlands			 (jjba part 5 Wonderland AU) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt