39. Uncertainties of Life

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Sidharth had called shehnaaz late in the evening and initiated the topic of shehnaaz shifting from her room, as now her final law tests were over. Shehnaaz had been avoiding the discussion and refusing to leave the dorm until now. However, now that her tests were over and college was done, shehnaaz could no longer come up with an excuse to avoid Sidharth's demand. Shehnaaz was well aware that now that college was over, she would have to leave the room, as the results were just an excuse to stay back. She had completed her law school and it was pointless to stay any longer in the dorm now.

Two months had gone by since she had gotten pregnant. It was important that shehnaaz moved to a place where she could effortlessly complete her pregnancy period and deliver the baby. But the question was, which place would it be? Shehnaaz wondered if there would be any places where she could go without many of her known people around her. It wasn't like she was committing a crime or something, but then she wanted to avoid unwanted attention and non-sensible questions related to her pregnancy. Moreover, she did not want her family to learn about the step that she had taken in order to help with the crisis. She did not want them to feel guilty about her decisions. Yes, being a single mother was tough and handling the pregnancy all by herself was tougher, but then she knew that she had to
do it as now there was no turning back. It was her decision that enabled her to save her father and provide a better life for her family in Minnesota, and she believed that this was the best way for her to sort out the mess.

Shehnaaz felt restless and worried when she thought of shifting out. She wasn't sure if she would succeed in finding a suitable apartment for herself to spend her pregnancy period. And even if she managed to find one, then another concern that kept bothering her was how she would manage things on her own.

'A particular situation in life can bring different experiences for everyone. I
mean, things would have been so lovely if I had fallen in love with someone and then gotten pregnant and had a partner to share this beautiful phase with. My family would have been so happy to know that I was pregnant. And mom she would have been the happiest and would have left no stone unturned to look after me or pamper me. She would have been my biggest support system. But... the situation that I have put myself into is the opposite side of the same coin. I mean, it's so funny that all my life I wanted to have a perfect relationship with an amazing partner and have kids and a family, but look at things now,' shehnaaz thought to herself, feeling gloomy.

Shehnaaz had been undergoing a mental breakdown thinking about her situation. She was sitting on the bed and was quiet, whereas her friend jasmine was packing her bags and preparing to go back home. Jasmine wished to go home at the earliest, as it was her wedding in a month. A lot of wedding preparations were supposed to be done, and jasmine wanted to meet the event planner personally and check on everything. She also had her trials for the wedding gown, which was supposed to be done. And so it was necessary for her to be home as soon as possible.

Simultaneously, jasmine was extremely worried about shehnaaz . She was concerned about how shehnaaz would manage everything on her own, along with her pregnancy, when she wouldn't be there for her.

One fine evening, shehnaaz and jasmine were walking in the garden of their dorm. Two days were left for jasmine to leave for her home. While strolling in the garden, they stopped at the corner. It was the place where the main lane was clearly visible. Both shehnaaz and jasmine gazed at the moving vehicles and the city lights for some time.

After a while, jasmine broke the silence of the moment.

"Time is fluid, you know. I still can't believe that we have completed our law school. Time seemed to fly by. It feels like yesterday that we met Shehnaaz ,"jasmine expressed.

Shehnaaz smiled at her.
" Yeah, I still remember our first interaction. You appeared to be quiet. I approached you and initiated the conversation. To be honest, I found you to be a quiet and innocent kind of girl in the beginning. But then, with time... I realised that you really are an innocent girl," Shehnaaz said with a sarcastic smile on her face when she made the statement. Jasmine burst into laughter too.

"The first time I met you, it was impossible for me to think that an innocent skinny girl would want to become a lawyer. I wondered why in the world you chose the law as your profession. But then I saw your attitude in the class. Oh my God... I was blown away. Do you remember how you managed to give a befitting lesson to that economics professor during the debate? He thought of you as a small-town girl and wanted to dominate, but girl, you didn't let him succeed. I remember it was our second or third day at college. I had become your fan at that very moment. Trust me, I admired the girl who was capable of giving it back to the criticism that she was offered, "jasmine exclaimed.

Both shehnaaz and jasmine shared a laugh, recalling their old days at law school.

But the smile could not sustain itself for a longer time on shehnaaz 's face. Her smile was replaced by some sort of grieving expression. "Honestly speaking, I had never thought that life would take me where I am today. When I enrolled in this college, I had a dream of becoming one of the leading lawyers in the state. And look at me now. What have I become? I have completed my law degree and the tag of lawyer has been added to my name, but I am not happy. I have achieved my dream, but still, my heart is grieved, "shehnaaz expressed.

Shehnaaz 's confession made jasmine emotional. "Yeah, you are right, shehnaaz . I have to go home the day after tomorrow, and I am supposed to be happy about that. But the only emotion that I am feeling inside is sorrow. I was pricked to the core of my heart that I would be leaving the room. I have always been complaining about the dorm and our college, and most importantly, the tasteless food that was served in the cafeteria. But my heart is feeling bad about knowing that I would have to leave this place where I have spent an important part of my life. These buildings, roads, Uncle John's noodles, and most importantly, you, my darling. You people have become an important part of my life. I don't know when it would be possible for us to meet once we leave here. I wanted you to accompany me home so that you could help me with the wedding preparations and we could have got some more time together. But now I can not even insist on your coming along. You know, even mom wanted you to come along and participate in the wedding celebrations with immense joy. I will have to come up with a convincing excuse to make up for your absence from my wedding. You know, shehnaaz , I feel so helpless before these circumstances that have compelled me to leave you alone here. I don't know when it would be possible for us to meet next," Jasmine shared her feelings.

Shehnaaz had been listening to jasmine and later passed on a low-key smile. "What are you saying? You are the most precious gift that I have got. As soon as the surrogacy contract gets over, you can expect me to come over to your place. We would stay together. And tell Aly that he should make arrangements for himself. Okay?" Shehnaaz declared,

Her words brought a smile to jasmine's face. She nodded her head but was worried, thinking that things wouldn't be easier for them in the future. She knew that their lives would experience a drastic change in the upcoming days.

Shehnaaz realised that jasmine was quiet and was lost in her thoughts. She held her hands and squeezed them a little.

"Jasmine , I know it's not going to be easy for us. But we were also aware of the fact that this was bound to happen someday. Think about the bright side, Jasmine . Think of your wedding with Aly . You will soon get married and settle down in life with him. But what about me? I don't know what I would be able to do without you.But you know what, I am happy for you. And yes, one more thing: you don't need to worry about me. Just concentrate on Aly and your wedding, "shehnaaz comforted

Jasmine embraced shehnaaz in her arms." Don't you think we should have fun and party for one last time before I head back home? Let's call Asim and spend an evening together. An evening filled with friends, fun, music, dance, and the yummiest delicacies," Jasmine suggested, turning all excited. Shehnaaz reciprocated with a smile.
" Yeah, that's a great idea. Let's go."

Jasmine grabbed her phone and dialled Asim and explained the plan to him.

Thereafter, Jasmine and shehnaaz went downstairs to get ready for the fun evening that they had planned. After some time, both the girls made their way out of the room after they had gotten dressed. Asim was waiting for them in the circle nearby. He had brought his car as a ride for the evening.

Soon, the girls reached the circle, where they found Asim already waiting for them. They got inside the car and asked Asim , "Where are we going?"

"The dinner and party tonight are on me. It's a treat for both of you, "he smiled at them and replied.

Jasmine was excited. "Oooh, that's great, dude. But my question is still unanswered. Where are we going? "

"Oh well yeah, It's a surprise for both of you. Let's just wait and watch, "Asim announced with a smirk.

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