Act 1: da wendys

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in a magical place where everyone except christians are emo....


"L--LLEELT'S GO TO A W-WENDI'S, BAKKIGOO-SAN~~!!!--" 4ft tall emo deku screams shrilly.

His chamky 7ft tall emo BF smirks, and pats his little emo kitten on the head, nearly squishing him. "*uahdhasdgsnFFFFFFF* Okay, babagril..." he says emoily.

The two emo bfs speedwalk over to the nearby greasy ass crusty dusty rusty run-down oily Wendy's, which upon entering, reveals Light Yagami in the corner, doing the griddy very passionately.

Bakkigoo-san has to tear his eyes away forcefully from the sight, as a deep greasy admiration sinks into his bones. "_-WUUWU-UUWUW..... WIGHT YAWAMI SO INSPIRWEATIONAL....." utters 4ft tall emo deku. Bakkigoo-san nods his head in agreement.

The two sights walk hunkily over to the Order Taker, behind which just happens to sit Eric Cartman from Eric Cartman's cover of Poker Face by Lady Gag!!!!!!!!

"OMG!!!!" emo deku's eyes are as big as saucies. "OMG!!!!" Bakkigoo-san grunts in reply. The two are overwhelmed with amazement.

"What do you homosexuals want," Eric Cartman asks judgmentally.

"Uhhmm... uiwu.... w-we'll t-twake some b-borgers pleez!!" replies the small deku.

"OK fucking dumbass queer homosexuals."

The two watch as Eric Cartman peels one (1) premade, musty, filthy-ass two-week-old burger off the floor and spits on it, maintaining direct eye contact with Bakkigoo-San the entire time.

Bakkigoo-san has to stop himself from compulsively biting the floor, he's so happy. "OH YEAH, HAROLD...." he grunts out, emo 7ft muscles flexing strongly.

Eric Cartman glares at the two emo men, and states, "now get the FUCK out of my store, no queers will be in my FUCKING STORE, we lauv Jesus here <3"

Bakkigoo-san scoops up the melting kawaii bbg emo 4ft deku and griddies out of the Wendy's. The two emos sexily griddy all the way back home.




genuinely keep reading, in my opinion it gets better

still kinda ass though

the only good emo bakudeku fanfic !! ft. william afton and light yagamiWhere stories live. Discover now