Act 2: weed

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BACK at it AGAIn... emo time!


The two homosexual emos griddy back up the damp, musty stairs of their apartment. Along the way, they make a stop to visit their favourite weed dealer.

Bakkigoo-san carries his bbg 4ft tall emo deku up the stairs with beefy chad elegance, making sure not to drop the smushable man onto the moldy concrete beneath his feet. 

"UUUWUWH....!!!" deku comments on this.

His nostrils flare heavily upon catching the scent of the zaza; and his eyes water as the Purple Guy comes into sight.

Purple Guy's eyes are bloodshot, and he is smoking on that Za. He throws his hands up into the air with pure glee upon seeing the two chadlike men, griddying on into his fine establishment.

"I 4LW4YZ CUM B4CK," William Afton warbles. 

4ft tall bbg emo deku drops onto the ground like a twiddly roach before responding, 


Bakkigoo-san sniffs the air as he watches Purple Guy wilt, arms falling like limp noodles to his spicy sides. 

"Z4Z4 4LW4YZ CUMS B4CK...." William whispers sadly. 

The homosexuals turn flamboyantly, ready to head back to their dusty ass falling-apart crust-stained sweaty gamer apartment, but are stopped abruptly, lips pursed, as William pipes up with "0H W41T, 1 H34RD TH3R3'Z G0NN4 B 4 P4RT1 2N1T3!! Y0U GUYZ W4NN4 G0???" 

Bakkigoo-san  smirks sexily. 

"OH YEAH HAROLD... time to let my ALPHA ANDREW TATE OUT.." Bakkigoo-san beats his chest like monke.

The homo emo deku and sexual emo Bakkigoo-san hurry back to their apartment to eat their crusty, grey-looking floor-dusty crispy-expired Eric Cartman Wendy's spitburger. 

The two emos are going to get ready for the party soon to come.


whuadhujawdj aughsdmf. 

the only good emo bakudeku fanfic !! ft. william afton and light yagamiWhere stories live. Discover now