The journal

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Nezuko woke up from a dream in which she had found her brother.
"Shinjuro-sama, it's time to train." She said to shinjuro rengoku who was teaching her flame breathing along with senjuro.
He taught them all day until night fall then let them rest. Nezuko decided to as Tanjiro had done for her and write in journals so that if she ever found where he hid, she could put them there.

Dear Tanjiro,
If you are reading this I've found your hiding place, I hope that this journal helps you remember.
We all greatly miss you but I've decided to learn flame breathi, soso I can be a hashira. Today was the first day of training, both me and senjuro are tired.
I wish I could hug you but until you are yourself again, I can not.
-your dear sister, Nezuko.

Nezuko wiped a tear from her eye as she wrote the end.
"Hey, Nezuko, do you miss him too?" Senjuro asked.
"Yeah..." Nezuko replied in a melancholy tone.
"Nezuko." Senjuro said "you know he won't be the same when you find him."
"Yushiro is making something to help with that." Nezuko snapped.
"I'm going to bed." She said angrily.
Yakunitatta heard a knock on the door.
"It can't be Tanjiro, even he's not that quick." She thought as she opened the door; there stood Yushiro, he was holding a bottle.
"Hello, is Tanjiro here?" He asked.
"No." Yakunitatta said.
"Good, I need you to get him to drink this." Said Yushiro.
"Okay." Yakunitatta said.

Tanjiro was sitting in a tree thinking about eating, he heard a sound like something approaching. A man was walking below him, he was missing half a arm and had a half-and-half haiori. Tanjiro growled as he sniffed the air, it was a familiar sent, a resent sent.
"Tanjiro! Taaanjiiiroooo!" The man called.

311 words, this was two pages long

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