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aanya's pov!

"heyy... it's okay if you're not ready to tell me, i don't mind at all, i want you to be comfortable first, that is the only thing which is important for me... also i am not at all forcing you in anyway to tell me anything, i know this can be really difficult to tell something about your past to someone aise hee, i understand, you can take your time, but please don't think at all that im forcing you..."  this was the moment my heart held no boundaries no distrust, i knew that i could trust him, i knew he's the one who would understand me, who would be with me forever..

" no i did not feel at all that u're forcing me or something, trust me i was just thinking from where to start..." i said smiling a bit, he got relaxed for a moment, he nodded and gestured me to take my time n tell..

i took a long breath and started "so, ruhi is my cousin, my first cousin.. my mamu's daughter, she's been the biggest bully of my life since we were kids.. when i was really young arround 7 or 8 years, this all started first i don't even know why does she hate me so muchh, like she really hates me, i never ever did anything to her she always got angry whenever mamu mami praised me for anything.. actually ive always been intelligent since i was kid and she was not at all she would always fail in her exams she didn't even like any sports and all.. but i always loved to do sports i always came first in everything, when the time passed she started to hate me more and more, she hated me more then anything... once mamu mami came to our house, she wouldn't even look at me, i was so confused i went to her and asked her that what was the matter, she without saying anything slapped me, i was so shocked that couldn't even speak then she started, she took all her frustration out she said that she hates me more then anything that she would be the happiest person the day i will die.... it really broke my heart, she even said that i was worthless and nobody would ever like me, i don't deserve anything in this world, i was an introvert and didn't speak much even with my family, i couldn't reply her i didn't know what to reply, i cried as she said all the filthy words to me nobody was home that day, she even tried to kill me with the glass bottle by hitting it on my head i couldn't even process anything, for a whole one week i was in coma as she hit me in some serious spot on my head, when i woke up everyone asked me what happened but i told no-one except bhai... i took promise from him that he would not at all tell anybody about all this... then again the time passed and her hatred for me increased with the time.... then again once she almost got me murdered by some of her friends and again it was bhai who saved me... because of her my life became a living hell i was so scared to go to the university i was even scared to step out of me room... by the time, i went in depression for almost 3 years.. tried to kill my self, did self harm but all went in vain, i didn't wanted to live, it was so hard to co-operate and then made the decision to leave this country as bhai suggested that it would be best for me... then i went to america to study and met v there..... it was the time my life started to change, i got my happiness back i got my confidence back, i started to live freely without any fear. if i had never met v in my life i don't think i would become this confident, and when i came back to india, i started taking care of our business and indulging myself totally in work, whenever mamu mami came for a visit i just made my own plans to go anywhere, i didn't want to see her ever, but when they came on our engagement day, she started taunting me and threatening me but i obviously ignored her, i didn't even look at her much... today when we were all ready to come here, me and bhai was gonna come in his car only, everyone started leaving for the venue, ruhi said that she would be coming after sometime in her car only as she wasn't feeling that good, when i was about the leave my room to go to bhai, she came and started saying stuff like 'oh how did you ever become this lucky, how did you got such husband , you don't deserve him, you're no-one infront of him, infact she should be the one to get a husband like you and all' i was not at all in the mood of all this tho it really hurted me listening to her words but i still ignored her and straight went downstairs in the kitchen to drink some water and obviously she came mere peeche saying the same irritating stuff, nd when i was busy getting myself water from the frigid i didn't realise when she went to the pooja room and took the akhand jote which was lightened and  she threw the oil on my hand which was boiling hot, for one second i couldn't even feel my hand it was really painful, that time bhai came and saw my hand and slapped her so bad and took me to his room, and quickly helped me with some ice packs and when v message for when are we gonna reach i told her will be there soon, toh jaldi jaldi me bhai put on some bandages and we came here, nd the whole time my hand was burning so bad, maybe that is why i seemed so restless" and with that i completed and rubbed my tears on my cheeks which i didn't realise were flowing down...

My unexpected soulmate~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu