Incident: 16.04.2017

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Shortly after initial containment of SCP-049, Dr. Hamm conducted a series of interviews with the subject regarding its anomalous characteristics, and over time began noticing SCP-049's displeasure with its subjects and the SCP-049-2 instances. This lasted for several months, during which SCP-049 never displayed any aggressive behavior.

On April 16, 2017, when Dr. Hamm entered SCP-049's testing chamber for another routine interview, the entity became increasingly concerned and asked Dr. Hamm if he feels good. Following protocol, Dr. Hamm SCP-049 recalling that the interview was required, causing the entity to become hostile, Dr. Hamm attacked and killed him. Due to a breach in security protocol and because Dr. Hamm did not activate the emergency system in the cell, Dr. Hamm's body was not discovered until three hours later. By this time SCP-019 had transformed it into an instance of SCP-049-2.

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