The next victim:

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Determined Luke stopped at the roadside and saw the next "patient". She was very lightly dressed and had to stand by the street for hours in the hope that someone would take her with. He pulled in closer and opened the window. "Hello sweetie," said the young lady and got into his car without hesitation. Soon, you will be freed from the pestilence! Luke thought to himself and finally drove off so that his sister could start the cure as soon as possible.

Dr. Hamm made the next report, which he put in the file. This article was from SCP 963:

Item #: SCP-963

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-963-1 is to be given into the care of a current D level operative, as well as personnel classified as Dr. Bright's assistant. This assistant is to be chosen by O5-█ for loyalty to the Foundation, as well as psychological stability.

SCP-963 is to be attached to the subject's forehead or the back of the subject's hand using a suitably strong epoxy. SCP-963-1 is now hung by a chain from subject's neck. 963-1 is not allowed to be hidden upon the subject's body. Any attempt to do so will be met with lethal force.

If the current D-level subject exceeds a thirty-day life span, they are to be executed and a new subject chosen to wear 963-1. By order of O5-█, any body SCP-963-1 is installed upon is given a stay of execution until it passes on of natural causes, or 963-1 is transferred to a new host.

ATTENTION: As of 12/13/████ 963-1 is not allowed in proximity of any Euclid or Keter class humanoid SCPs. This directive is to be enforced lethally. Rescinded, O5-6, O5-8, O5-9

ATTENTION: As of Incident-239-b Clef-Kondraki, SCP-963-1 is not allowed at Site 17 without the express permission of three O5's. Violations are to be met with lethal force. Rescinded, O5-6, O5-8, O5-9

Description: SCP-963-1 is an ornate amulet approximately 15 centimeters in circumference made from white gold, with thirteen (13) ██k brilliant-cut diamonds surrounding a ███k oval-cut ruby in a starburst pattern. It was discovered in the personal effects of ██████ ███ who had been found dead by apparent suicide, surrounded by a number of supernaturally-related books. Our Agent in the area found that 963-1 was incapable of being damaged and brought it in according to protocol XLR-8R-██.

Dr. Jack Bright, a Junior Staff researcher of good standing, was assigned the responsibility of researching SCP-963-1's capabilities, and granted access to [REDACTED]. Later that year, SCP-076-2 broke containment (see document 076-2-19A), leading to [REDACTED] deaths and ██ casualties. Doctor Bright was transporting SCP-963-1 by hand past SCP-076-2's containment unit, and was among the first KIB (killed in breach). Approximately █ days later, D1-113, tasked to clear the area of rubble, discovered 963-1 among the wreckage and picked it up. An immediate, noticeable change came over D1-113. Interview follows.

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