Chapter 11: Awakening

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It had been only days before Sif went back to the prisons, she knew that Heimdall might have been watching but that didn't seem to phase her anymore, she had been acting upset for the last couple of days to a five star standard, she believed that things that weren''t over and that she and Loki could be together.

Loki however was growing more confused by the hour, he tried to end it with Sif for her own good, but she saw through him and said it wasn't over, but he didn't agree to it not being over, well not in so many words, so did that mean that they weren't over or that they were but only Sif thought they weren't? Loki's expertise in an actual relationship was somewhat limited and though he spoke many different languages, he did not seem to speak woman fluently.

But, when she did come back to visit him, she seemed a little unsure, she looked exactly as Loki had been feeling. There was moments silence before Sif eventually spoke in a small tone "how much do you wish to be with me?"

It was a strange question to Loki, very sudden "you should know the answer to that already"

"Then that means that we should be together, and stop pretending the other person doesn't exist"

"I tried that belive me it doesn't work"

"So you agree that we should be together?" she seemed very gittery, it was as if, if she didn't say what she needed to say Sif would burst.

But, this only enraged Loki, it was like waving freedom in front of his face but telling him he could never have it "and how do you suppose we could ever be together?! With me in this cage and you out there, I could never touch you nor kiss you, it would be..."

"Too much to bare" she had said exactly what he was thinking, only softer, he had bellowed his response at her, it was only after she had spoken that he seemed to calm himself.


"Then you must touch me, you must kiss me, and I to you"

"How Sif?!"

"We run away, go to Midgard perhaps..."

"You constantly seem to forget that I'm in here and you are out there, I cannot leave"

"Unless a highly commended warrior were to let you out"

Loki turned his back to her as he had done so many times before "I cannot let you do that"

"After everything do not turn me away for my own good"

"But you would be letting everything you have built for yourself, go for me, and I could never ask that of you" he turned back to her slowly.

Sif shook her head "you aren't asking, I'm not offering, I'm telling you that is what is going to happen" suddenly the mischief flooded into his eyes like a tsunami, snuffing out all traces of sorrow, a dark smile painted his lips and Sif was shockingly relieved to see him that way again.

She rushed over a wall and faced away from Loki, she fiddled about with something and as she turned to him, the golden barrier that had seperated them faded away. Loki didn't move for a second, he just stared ahead of him, it was strange to look forward and not see the barrier, so long had he been a prisoner, it was surreal to be free. Then he lifted one leg slowly and placed it across the threshold, when nothing tried to vaporise him, a wicked smile once again came to his lips.

He jumped down to Sif's level and took her in his arms "we must go, I assume Heimdall has sent guards already, however being on the other side of that barrier I now have full use of my magic again" sure he could cast a few projections but that was about all he could do, he yearned for the taste of his magic and once again he could wield it to his ungodly desires.

Loki waved a hand and a projection of himself appeared in the cell, so Sif went back to the wall and quickly cast the barrier to re appear "but what about Heimdall... He will see every step we take"

"Do not forget I am no amateur, a simple cloaking spell which I have used many times should blind that fool" Sif had always enforced law, and followed the rules, but now she ignored the law and cast aside the rules, Loki had changed her, yet she welcomed that change "come, we must go"

"What about the guards? Surely they will see us" Loki rolled his eyes, she had much to learn. His whole body glowed green for a second and there was a loud humming noise, once it was gone Loki was transformed into a guard.

He did the same to Sif "their own mothers couldn't tell the difference" they both shared in a wicked smile and headed for the door, as it opened there was a heard of guards "prisoner attempted to escape but it was a failed attempt" Loki pointed the cell and all of the guards turned to the cell and saw what they thought was Loki.

"We were informed he had already broken out" Loki shook his head.

"This statement is false" The guard nodded and then started shouting at the others to head back up the stairs and down the corridor. Loki stood up straight and started in the same direction, Sif followed behind him.

Once they reached a certain point they split off from the group, hoping nobody would notice "how do we get passed Heimdall at the bifrost?"

"We don't have to, there are other ways and in and out of this realm, to which even Heimdall is blind to" Sif seemed impressed "I told you, I'm no amateur"

"So where are we going?"

"We need to get a boat, there's a cave not too far from here, it take us wherever we wish" he stopped and turned to her "so where do you wish to go, but we can't go to Midgard, my face is too well known and don't want to spend eternity in a disguise"

"What about Vanaheim? Loki I think no matter where we go, you will always be recognised"

"Vanaheim do not care much for Aesir problems so they probably wouldn't care if they saw me"

"So lets go there then" Loki nodded as they headed to steal... or borrow a boat.

It didn't take much to commandeer a boat and once they had it they could fly off to the cave and go anywhere. Sif never cared much for travelling between realms it had this sickeing feeling, but as they entered the cave and were surrounded by colours, the sickening feeling was lifted by the knowledge that they were about to enter the rest of their lives.

I think this might be the last chapter... I know its a short story but I have no idea where else to take it, maybe I'm distracted I don't know, so I'll leave it for a while until I officially end it, just incase I have some burst of ideas or something.

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