Chapter 9: I'll never be sorry

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When Sif finally came out of her chambers, Thor noticed that there was a big change in her behaviour. At dinner she would stare off into nowhere and push her food around her plate, whenever she was walking anywhere and would pass Thor, she would be in such deep thought that when he said hello she would just walk past. Even stranger she would be constantly humming this tune that he had never heard before and when he walked past her chambers, he could her singing a song that was definitely not of Asgard.

Thor only thought that if he tried to confront her, she would only become distant and end the conversation. So helplessly he watched her daze around the palace for days, but he still wanted to try something to get her active again "Sif?" He stood patiently at her door, but she just continued to sing, so he banged on her door as to get her attention "Sif"

Clearly irritated Sif opened the door and stuck her head through the gap "What is it I'm busy"

"Uh, I was wondering if you might like to come train with me and the others"

"Not today" how very out of character of her, she loved to train, she'd do it in her sleep if she could.

"But you can't stay in here all day"

"Watch me" she attempted to slam the door shut but Thor put his foot in the way "Thor!"

Although he had told himself previously that he wouldn't talk to her about why she had been so strange, he needed to get through to her one way "what's happened to you Sif?"

"What... are you ...talking... about?!" She attempted again to force the door shut but Thor kept his foot in place, forcing her to use all her strength.

"I'm talking about this, the Sif I knew would be able to shut this door no problem"

"Well if you'd move your foot..."

"Even still you could close it, you're not eating properly, you're weak"

"I am not... Weak!" She persisted at closing the door but still she could not close it "ugh move!"

"No! Not until you tell me why you have been acting so strange" he put a hand on her door and opened it wider so he could see all of her.

"Thor just go away!"

"Tell me what's wrong!"


"I need to know I'm worried about you, I know how you must be feeling..."

In pure anger she swung the door open to the widest it could go, tears began to flow freely down her cheeks and she just began screaming at him "you don't know anything! You don't know how this feels! How could you possibly know?! You don't know how it feels to love someone and have them labeled and ridiculed and kept from you! You know nothing!"

She hadn't realised what she'd said until she said it, love? Did she really and truly love him? A look of bewilderment spread on Thor's face "Loki?" Enraged at Thor, she took the door which was open wide and used full force to slam it against Thor's foot "ow!" He removed his foot and she shut the door, bolting it as she did.

"He's my brother, Sif! I know how you feel! I wish he hadn't done what he has but the fact is he has! That is why he is where he is! Not to keep him from you!"

She curled up into a ball on the floor against the door, and sobbed into her arms "go away" Thor went to speak again but could hear the pain in her voice, deciding it might be best to leave her be, but his mind was confused now, perhaps he should talk to the source.

With his held high, Thor strode largely into the prisons, waltzing directly to Loki's cell "hello brother" he said brother with such spite.

"Loki I came her about Sif"

Unchained memories: Loki x Sif (complete) Where stories live. Discover now