Chapter 10: I am Mr lonely

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While Sif was gorging on a midnight feast in the main hall, Loki had been left to his own devices back in his cell. The overly fascinating book he had been reading, suddenly became tedious, he begun feeling like he was wasting his time staring at those meaningless pages that were no longer making sense.

His mind was a tangled mess and he struggled to take his mind away from his visitor. Her mental strength baffled him, how had she taken it so well? He stood there and broke her heart without being able to hold her, how could she bare it?

With a distracted head he slammed the book closed on the small glass table beside him, rising quickly from his chair, he stood looking around him for a while, like he was looking for something but didn't quite know what.

It must have come to him when he walked over to a larger glass table and waved is hand slowly over it, several seconds went by before something began to appear, a golden glow surrounded the table before it came together to make an object.

Magically the Gramophone appeared on the large glass table, which was supported by golden legs with intricate designs spiralling down them. Sitting innocently waiting to be played was unchained melody, but as soon as he saw it he replaced with a different record. It would simply be too much of a reminder.

So he quickly changed the record with a wave of his hand, the record changed to a second Midgardian song he had not previously introduced Sif to,


he picked up the pin and placed it carefully on the record and fiddled with buttons and nobs to get it going, When I fall in love by Nat King Cole began to play.

At first it was instrumental, several instruments being played beautifully to his broken heart, but when the words slowly broke in, Loki's darkened heart softened. He draped himself over to a globe of Midgard, he saw it as a window to another realm, so to speak. But, now it was a hollow globe with the Asgardian version of whiskey hidden inside, which Frigga didn't realise was there when she fetched it for him from his chambers.

Slowly he poured himself a generous amount of the drink in a rounded sort of whiskey glass, he made a slow journey to the chair he had been wallowing in before, tapping the glass with his middle finger as he walked.

Then he slumped into the chair listening to the eloquent music

when I give my heart

It will be completely

Or I'll never give my heart

Were the lyrics that most stood out to him, it was ironic really.

A tear of self pity dropped down into his drink, yet that didn't stop him from taking a large sip, how he missed her smell, her smile, her laugh, what was happening to him? The feared god of mischief, caring and wallowing?

No, he felt broken, like he had lost something he never really had until it was much too late. However, there was nothing he could do, he couldn't do another dream spell, it would rip Sif's head apart or worse trap her in the dream leaving her body in a never ending coma, while Loki could leave but she would never be free.

To commit Sif to such a thing would be too selfish even for him, so he would not attempt it. Even he very much doubted that Sif would ever come to visit him again, and why should she? It would be too much pain for the both of them.

The song came to an end...


... He rolled his head to the back of the chair and rested it there, staring at the blank ceiling above him, then he looked back up at the gramophone waving his hand once more to make it disappear from the table.

Of course he had no true reason for conjuring it and listening to an ironic song and pathetically crying into a whiskey glass, just that he felt torn into tiny, insignificant pieces by the fact he had to stand there and lie through his teeth, to such an exquisite creature, she had made him soft in that he could longer function.

His brain wasn't working and his heart felt like mush against his skeleton, she had done this to him with incomprehensible beauty and captivating dance skills, making him feel every bit unmade, no longer himself.

Surely if he snapped someone's neck or at least ran them through with his dagger, he would feel much better and return to his devious self, but such delicacies had been taken from him, placing him in this box, waiting for time to pass by like watching paint dry on a never ending wall.

Perhaps he could attempt to escape, that should be fun, put a few guards in body bags, get thrown back in his cell waiting to do it again, but what would be the point? The fun was gone. Perhaps he could mess with his cell mates, a few pranks would cheer him right up, if of course there wasn't a certain barrier keeping his magic at bay. Perhaps he could play dead, no, he was not an animal.

What could he do to put his mind back on the darkened course he had come accustomed to, the only way he now knew. Sif had changed him and he hated her for it, but he couldn't truly hate her which made him try to hate her all the more, what if Sif never existed? Perhaps then he wouldn't feel so... Loved.

Frigga loved him in a mother son kind of way that was different to love from any women, but Sif had touched him in a way no women had ever touched his heart,

In a restless world like this is

Love is ended before it's begun,

The song had said, oh so true, he never had a chance to be with his women, and whose fault was that?

Was Loki showing regret? Remorse? Maybe if he had never committed all the crimes he has then he and Sif could be together, but would they? Would she fall for him otherwise? Would she even notice him? The reason this all started again was because she went to visit him, so what if she hadn't? What if he'd never even been confined? Would things be different?

Now his glass of Asgardian whiskey had been drained from the glass, he licked his lips and stared at the glass, he could easily get bladderd and forget all this ever happened but that would be cowardly, so he would place the glass on the table beside him, his eyes crossing paths with the large book he had been reading.

A book, so simple, maybe it would take his kind off of Sif, so he picked up the book resuming his page, but once again the words became meaningless and pointless. It's not like he didn't deserve to be in prison because he did and he knew it, but that didn't mean he wasn't allowed to be completely bored out of his mind, as fun as the equivalent of watching paint dry was.

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