Chapter 12: They're here

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When they arrived at Vanaheim it was basically like earth many centuries ago, only with more green grass and blue sky, they found a small cottage like structure which nobody seemed to live in, and moved in themselves. It was no golden palace, but it was freedom and Loki liked the taste of it, he and Sif planned to live the straight and narrow, keeping out of trouble and out of sight so they could live together in peace.

But Asgard wasn't so keen on letting Loki loose on the nine realms, Odin sent out all of his guards and warriors in search of him, he gave them objects that would detect Loki's magic and prevent him from using it. The search party traveled to each realm, when they traveled to Midgard the Avengers got involved.

"What realm haven't you searched yet?" Natasha asked Fandral who had joined the search party.

"Vanaheim and Jotunheim, but Sif couldn't live there, it's freezing"

"So they'd have to go somewhere warmer, like Vanaheim" Clint joined the conversation and then an ever so cautious Steve joined too.

Steve spoke with a serious expression "I've been in battles and search parties" Tony rolled his eyes, did he ever talk about anything else? "I've found out people are better at hiding than you think, are you all sure he couldn't have been in any of the other realms?"

Fandral smiled and the whole group divided to show Thor at the very end "we are sure, Loki is my brother and with these objects we can find him, he is no where else"

"So you're back?" Tony said.

"Yes I am, I have to find Loki, who knows what Mischief he is planning, I thank you all for your help in searching Midgard, but we must leave for Vanaheim"

"Whoa there lightning rod, you didn't think you were gonna go realm jumping without us? Frankly I've been dying to try that thing" Tony said with a wide smile.

"I cannot ask..."

"You're not asking we're telling"

Thor smiled gratefully "very well then, to Vanaheim"

Tony fist pumped and called an iron man suit "sir, perhaps it would be more professional to conceal your excitement"

"Lighten up Jarvis, I don't remember programming a stick up your arse"

"I don't have an arse sir"

"Thanks for proving my point"

After the team of righteous heroes had prepared themselves for the adventure of their lifetime, Thor demanded that Heimdall open the bifrost and not long after the heavens appeared to open and the great search party were surrounded by a blinding light, lifting them from the ground and transporting them to the peaceful realm of Vanaheim "Loki that isn't how you pl..." Sif laughed before being shushed by Loki "what is it?"

For a prolonged moment Loki was silent, until he looked around with eyes hungry for battle, and a small smile playing at his lips "they're here"

(That's a wrap people! I know it's a short and probable all around disappointing ending, but as you can tell from how long it's taken me to post an ending, that I was struggling with it on a colossal scale, I saw no point in trying to drag it out and make it even more painful to read)

Unchained memories: Loki x Sif (complete) Where stories live. Discover now