Chapter 6: One too many

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Surprisingly, the next couple of days were actually quite normal, things had gone back to the way they were, with only a few differences here and there, like the fact she avoided Loki's room at all costs, she would only stay in the same room as Thor if there were other people present and she didn't seem to laugh as hard as she used to when Volstagg would tell one of his bloated stories.

Yes some things had changed for her, but she finally felt back to normal, well as normal as she could be. Seeing Loki made something click and now it was clicking back to where it was in the first place, of course she wasn't entirely sure what clicked, but she knew her mind was going to back to it's once peaceful state.

Thor of course had noticed her out of place behaviour, but could see she was on top of things now, her eating habits were back to normal, and her drinking habits were also normal, but perhaps they had gone into overdrive.

A week after going to see Loki, Sif, the warriors three and Thor along with some of Asgards armies, had gone of to battle, it was a most invigorating battle which gave Sif the extra nudge to be normal again. Then there's the fun bit, coming home and celebrating, usually they would sit at a long table and celebrate with guests, then they would go to relax in a large room with a roaring fire.

So when they returned they did the usual, but when they left to relax, Sif had perhaps drunk one too many "Sif how many have you had?" Thor questioned as he helped her through the corridors.

"The same as them" she gurgled, pointing to the no less drunk warriors in front of them.

"I expect them to be tipsy but Sif, this is unlike you"

"Just... Take me to the room... You... What are you?"

"Oh yeah, one too many"

"No no no no... No! I... I... I am not drunk"


"Wha? Don't ya believe me? I'll fight right here... Right... Nooooooow"

"How about we just sit you down" they had arrived at the their social space, Thor slung Sif on one of the sofas as carefully as he could "there"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha"

"What's so funny?"

Her face turned comically serious immediately "I do not know! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha" she began to laugh again.

"Hey I thought only me and the fat one got drunk!!" Fandral exclaimed.

"Who are you calling fat!" Volstagg shouted both drunk and enraged.

"Look no offence but I could... Roll you down... The corridors like a ball" he pointed weakly to the door which then led to a long corridor.

"I could use you to crack mirrors!" Volstagg slurred.

"That... That does not make... Any... Sense"

"Girls! Girls! Please, you're both pretty, calm down" Thor felt the need to interrupt before someone lost an eye "I think it's time we retire to bed"

"Wha! Noooooo! Boooooo! Don't be such a mud in a stick" Fandral yelled.

"You mean stick in the mud? And I resent that"

"That's what I said! I had to go anyway! I've got a blonde babe... In my room just... Waiting for me!"

"I'm sure you do" he looked to Sif "are you coming"

"Ugh, I don't think I can make it"

Thor shook his head smiling, he leant down and scooped her up into his arms "I'll help you"

"Tha... Thanks, buddy, ha ha ha, The mighty Thor carrying me to bed" she began to drool on his shoulder.

Then as he lowered her onto the bed, she grabbed the sides of his head and forcefully pulled him to her and gave him a big drunk kiss. Immediately he pulled away "Sif what are you..."

"I'm sorry... I thought you were someone else... He he he... But your hair's not black enough" she rolled over and began to drool over her pillow instead of Thor's shoulder. But, Thor was shocked and stared at her for a couple of minutes, so she thought he was Loki? Well he is the only person on Asgard with black hair. Why would she want to kiss him? What would compel her to want to do such a despicable thing? Had she fallen for his lost brother? But why? After all he had done! Thor left her room with his mind in a muddle, thinking the only thing that could sort it would be Heimdall.

Thor headed off to the rainbow bridge which led to the bifrost, where Heimdall always stood "your confused head brought you here I expect"


"And what is it that makes you confused?"

"I do not wish to pry into Sif's personal life, but I fear for her"

Heimdall turned to look at him "you wish to know more of her and Loki?" He nodded shamefully "there is not much more I could tell you"


"Very well, a week ago Sif went to see Loki for the second time, in that time I expect she was going to confess her feelings to him..."

"What 'feelings'?" He interrupted.

"I think you know" Thor swallowed hard, his fears had been recognised "but things must have gone wrong, she told him she should never had gone and left the prisons"

"So she came to her senses"

"Is it so wrong for her to want to fix him?"

"His mind is far afield, I fear there is nothing left to fix" Heimdall looked at Thor puzzled, then turned his large golden sword so that the bifrost would move and they would have perfect view of the stars.

"Come here" obediently Thor stood with Heimdall, looking at the beautiful constellations above them "if one of these stars began to shine any less, would you discard it?"

"No, but it is not the same, Loki is no star"

"To you perhaps, I hate to admit it but I'm with you, I do not think an Odinson still lives within Loki, but Sif obviously thinks otherwise, she sees him as that dimmed star that has lost his way" his wise words seemed to confuse Thor.

"I'm afraid I do not understand"

"If your Jane, trailed off to a path of darkness, would you abandon her?"

"No, but I have loved her since I have known her" Heimdall gave him an 'exactly' look and finally Thor understood.

"You think she has loved him all her life"

"Maybe, without her full knowledge of it"

"Thank you Heimdall" he patted the large man on the arm and wondered off to the rainbow bridge, leaving Heimdall feeling wise and pleased with himself. The question of course is what will he do with this new information?

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