⭐️Bedtime little one⭐️

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Plot: while you're playing Nikki tells you its time for bed. You refuse and throw a trantrum.
Little gear used:
Y/n's POV:
I'm playing with my toys while watching y/f/s. I hear footsteps and look up to see Nikki walking towards me. "It's bedtime little one." "No!!" I half yell. I crossed my arms, pouting.

"No yelling kiddo. Come on we can play tomorrow." I stay put, not budging. She then tries to pick me up. "No!! I not seepy! Wan play!" I start thrashing my limbs, trying to get her to let go of me.

"Hey hey calm down love. It's ok." she said softly. "Nooo wan play! Let me goo!" I yelled. I start hitting her, although it doesn't do much. "Love we do not hit," she said sternly. "Calm down."

I continue until she finally puts me down. "Lovebug, it's time for bed. We don't need you to be cranky tomorrow!" She said, still staying calm. I sniffle, turning my back to her, my arms still crossed.

"Alright it's settled. Tomorrow no tv time." I snapped my head around. "Noo I sorry mama." "Ah-ah you decided to throw a tantrum and refuse to go to bed."

I turned my whole body around. "Noo mama I sorry!" I pleaded with her. I grabbed onto Nikki, tears forming in my eyes. "I'm sorry love but I can't let you get away with misbehaving." She said, wiping my tears away.

I layed my head on her shoulder, allowing her to pick me up. We entered the bedroom and Nikki placed me on the bed. "Do you want your paci?" I nodded.

She grabbed my paci and climbed into bed. Nikki placed the covers ontop of us before putting the pacifier in my mouth.

"I sorry mama. Didn't mean be bad." I said, but it didn't come out clearly with the pacifier still in my mouth. "I forgive you. But when I say it's time for bed that means it's time for bed okay?"

I nod, cuddling closer to her, setting my head on her chest. Nikki hums a lullaby and I slowly drift off to sleep.

Another one shot done woohoo. Edit: Im not to happy with this oneshot but it's as good as it's gonna get for now.
Have a good day/night babies!💕
399 words

Nikki x agere reader (discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora