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Plot: you slip into babyspace!
I personally love babyspace chapters cus they make me feel so tny💗
Little gear used:
I woke up already regressed, but this time its different. I feel myself getting smaller and smaller. I didn't know what to do, this hasn't happened before. I didn't have enough time to tell Nikki either. It happened all too fast. I laid back down on my bed and stuck my fingers in my mouth.

I hear footsteps and then a knock on my door. I look over to see Nikki enter the room. "Aw hello little one!"

I giggle and start babbling. "Owh is my little baby feeling tiny? Such a tiny baby." She tickles me before kissing my forehead.

I make grabby hands for her and she picks me up. "Lets get you more comfy hm?" Nikki goes to the bathroom and lays me on the changing table and grabs a diaper.

She changes me and puts me into a onesie. "Alright honey lets get you some breakfast." We go downstairs and she puts me down on the carpet in the living room.

Nikki makes me a bottle before coming back and picking me up. She sits down on the couch and laid me down in her arm and started feeding me.

I sigh contently and put my hands up to her face, seeming interest for her mouth. "Ah-ah lovebug, no fingers in the mouth."

I stop eating and let out a cry. "Oh baby shh its okay." Nikki tries to calm me down. She puts the bottle back in my mouth and I continue eating.

I try again, but she stops me. I pout before putting my palm over her mouth. Nikki giggles and grabs my wrist, setting my hand down.

I finish eating, Nikki grabs my bottle and puts it on the side table. She burps me before laying me back in her arms.

I begin crying again, because im tired and it's the only way I can communicate. Nikki knows why im crying and shushes me.

She brings me to our room and sets me in the bed. She gets my paci and gives me it before getting into bed too.

Nikki turns on baby lullabies and holds me close to her chest. I fall asleep soon after..
Hi everybabie! I hope you liked this chapter, as I enjoyed making it :) Today I got braces! Well only the brackets on only my top teeth but still.

420 words

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