🦷Nom Nom🦷

493 14 2

Plot: Tiny with a oral fixation and Nikki finds it adorable.
Little gear used:
Nikki's POV:
I'm on the couch scrolling through instagram when I feel a little tap on my leg. I look up and see y/n look at me with the purest eyes holding their stuffy and blankie.

"Awh hello little one! I see you woke up from your nap. How old are you feeling lamb?" I ask with a slight smile. They held up two fingers

"Oh so tiny," I say playfully as I tickle their sides, receiving a giggle in response. " Wanna come lay in momma's lap?" They eagerly nodded their head and climbed up into my lap.

"Would you like your paci dear?" Y/n nods and I get up to grab one from their room. I return and hand them their paci before going back to my spot on the couch. And then they spit it out and start biting their stuffie before going to their blanket.

I chuckle softly before going back onto my phone. And then I feel something pinching me? I turn over to see y/n biting me. "Hey we dont bite little lamb. Are you hungry?" They shake their head and go back to biting me.

It didn't hurt, it was more like a nibble, but it was still classified as biting. "Love no biting please." They didn't stop though. I place y/n on the floor and they immediately start crying, making grabby hands for me.

"Hold on kiddo let me get something." I come back with their teether and pick them back up. I sit down on the couch, placing them in my lap. I give them their teether. While I do find it absolutely adorable when they try to bite everything they come in contact with, it can also hurt them.

They knaw on the teether like a little puppy. I audibly awh at the sight. I put on cartoons before getting in a comfortable position.
This was not my idea btw it was gntlepup on ig/twt 's idea! It gave me some inspo and I also hadn't writen a chapter in a couple days and I rly wanted to write smth so yeah.

374 words

Nikki x agere reader (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now