Chapter 3: The Interview In The Club

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Your POV

It's now nighttime...

I have to be honest, it's embarrassing to get a new job and three females who are dressed as maids recommended me for the job that they are trying to give me because of their struggles. I went on getting into their car that the three were trying to lead me into while the weather was raining outside. As Ruae was driving, I became quiet as I could still hear them talking. If they can be quiet for a while...

"Is something wrong, Hannila?" Ruae asks her.

"Oh, I..." Hannila was thinking of what that involves me. "Y/n, if you want to talk about..."

"...?" I wasn't paying attention at first. "What was that?" I look at her. The three looked at each other before Hannila could speak.

"Back from your job, I thought that you would be a person as everyone is talking about. I can't tell if they are telling the truth or not." What is Hannila talking about? We just met. "How do you feel if you did meet with your boss and colleagues at first?"

"That? Well, I never got to know them at first, just doing my job and helping others. I never thought that trust is a word that is important since we are all working on that company together. I know I never go with talking to anyone that often, so I end up just working and going home all the time. Besides, I was just thinking of having a career I wanted and not wasting time on anything else." I speak up to answer. "I just think about accomplishing everything from the tasks they give me and then done. I don't know what they think of me but I can tell that they are struggling to be leaders since they do not have much knowledge of how to do it. Not the levels of education."

"Were you in the university?" Ruae asked me about my educational degree.

"Yeah, to get a better degree for a company. It took years for me to graduate. High school, college, and then university." I answered her question. "I tried getting a job that I am good at and doing a good job with the projects. A few years and now, I got fired for some false accusations. I had never done anything like this at all but no one would believe me because I was alone to do my work only. It's hard for me to get a new job with a record that got me fired. I don't have anything that proves that I am not that kind of person. Just what did I do for all of this?"

"But you haven't done anything that proves the reason that you got fired. You always being busy doing work and trying to help the company." Mallie supports my reason.

"Ex-company," Ruae comments.

"Does the people from that company always be normal but Erick is the one who corrupts the entire company once he is promoted to have the leadership to lead the company as some manager?" Hannila asks me.

"If that's what think of him as being so friendly, then that's why they can't trust me even though I was working hard. If they want to earn that kind of promotion, then they should work by themselves with their projects, not mine. If they didn't work as hard as me, then what they expect will be the opposite." I finished answering their question. "You know I am not the type when it comes to taking care of maids and such. So, what place are you taking me?" I ask them.

"To the workplace of Enelethzei Service Club."

"Wait, what?" I questioned. To the club that we are going right now?


The destination is the building, located in the city. Enelethzei Service Club, I never heard of being in a building that has the characteristics of a club. But what club is it? We are almost there at the destination as I can feel it.

There is a question that I am trying to find in my mind. "Were you all trying to find a new manager since your previous ran away with his debt?" I ask one of them who is currently in the car.

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