{3} Meet Fuma

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Fuma is what you'd call a loner. However, he wasn't bothered by this at all. Sometimes being alone was what was best. He, along with a few others, weren't completely human. This was increasingly obvious.

His adoptive father was older so he practically let Fuma make his own decisions given that Fuma himself was basically a gift from God. Well, That is what his father says to anyone who tries to shame Fuma.

His father knew Fuma had managed to make friends in town with the others like him. So he had no plans in stopping him at all on this night. "友達と遊びに行きなさい、プーマ。 私は一人でここにいることができます。" (Go hang out with your friends, Fuma. I can manage being here alone.) His fathers said with a warm smile overcoming his face. He wasn't terrified of Fuma' animalistic features at all. To him, Fuma was nothing more than his son. "Thanks, Dad !"

Fuma hugged his father once more before making his way to the meeting point. A giant bonfire in the woods is where he was supposed to meet his friends on this very night. Upon arriving he had come across, Jo. "Jo-Kun ? Is that you ? What are you doing ?", Fuma asked as he began approaching his friend.

Jo offered him a grin as they began walking to the meeting point. "何か音がしていたのですが、急に止まりました。 ただの風だったのかもしれません。" (I had heard something, but it abruptly stopped. Might have just been the wind.) Jo wouldn't have been wrong. This night was very beautiful, but did had strong sudden gusts of wind. They reached the bonfire together just in time to see the three youngest of the friend group had tackled Kei in a dogpile. This of course causing giggles from both Fuma & Jo in unison.

No one was prepared for what happened under the sparkling moonlight...

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