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The nine of them proceeded to have their fun. They laughed, they ran, they bonded... & they certainly found warmth together near the bonfire. The air was warm & carried a light breeze that swept through the trees. This breeze making each of the nine shiver from goosebumps slightly. 

Jo stood still as he let the breeze flow past him. That is when he heard it again. A voice calling out. 

離してください··· あなたの直感が引き継いでくれますように··· それはあなたに平和をもたらします...··· (Let go... Let your instincts take over... It will bring you peace...) 

Jo nudged whoever was closest to him. Which just so happened to be one of the youngest ones. Harua... "Can you hear that as well ? Can you hear the voice ?" Harua pulled him aside & focused on what Jo was trying to get him to hear. 

It took a few minutes before Harua himself heard something. A sweet melodic voice. One that seemed calm & welcoming. Who could it be ? Where was it coming from ? Would they all eventually hear it ?

恐れることは何もありません...··· あなたが本当に家に着いたとき、誰もあなたを傷つけないでしょう。(You have nothing to fear... No one will hurt you once you've reached what is truly home.)

The mood suddenly had gone a bit cold as every boy in the clearing began hearing the voice. Hearing the pleads for them to reach their true home & to give into their instincts. This was no easy ask of the nine in the woods...

EJ was one of the first to start being affected. The moonlight seemed different on this night. As the moonlight flooded into the clearing, pained howls filled the air.

Canines sharpening within the jaws of the nine. Instincts beginning to cloud their vision in a crimson shade. All anyone saw was red. A moonlit path was shown through the trees. Almost naturally everyone' attention was put on EJ & Fuma. However, mostly on EJ. 

Fuma eventually kneeling himself, even though he seemed to be the only one who didn't necessarily need to. He did not seem to mind though. "私たちはここに留まることを選ぶこともできますし、月明かりの道をたどることもできます。 みんな何て言ってるんですか?" (We can choose to stay here, or we can follow the moonlit path. What does everyone say ?) EJ asked this a bit nervous of the intense loyal gazes of his friends. All taking his every word seriously. More seriously than he's even seen before from any of them.

Unanimously everyone wanted to follow the path lit up from the moonlight. Instinctually, they all ran as they let out elated howls. Being completely one with nature & their instincts. They were having fun. Probably the most fun they've ever had.

The more they gave into their instincts more howls erupted from the nine as they ran. These howls signaling how happier they were from previously. The running came to a halt with EJ stopped at what could only be assumed as a guarded gate. The gate being guarded by two female warriors... or rather what looked like two female warriors. 

The person immediately introduced themselves with a respective bow. "It is an honor. I am..."

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