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I'm on the bus.But I don't know why.I know that I shouldn't be here.I should be here,but I shouldn't. We arrive.My school.We unload.I walk into the school.The only thing I can think of is "why am I here".I search for my friends.Sarah.I need somebody to talk to this is so bizarre I don't know what is happening to me.Am I insane.Losing my mind.Whats happening.I walk up to her and she is talking to somebody I don't know.I wait.It seams like forever until she's done then she turns to me and asks me what's wrong.I ask If she can come to my house tonight and she says maybe.The rest of the day seemed pretty normal until I went home.I asked my mom were my little brother Tyson was and she looked at me like I was crazy.She told me to stop being silly and prepare for Colton to come home and I said"Who is Colton?"Again she gave me that look and told me to get ready.Now I'm freaking out.Then the doorbell rings.

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