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I walk around the building and go to the lobby to see if I can find any new friends.Im wearing a crop top that's black,my combat boots,and black jeans.There is a girl that has shoulder length hair that is curly.I walk up to her DNS she smiles at me and says her name is Nicole.Immediately we became friends.She is smart , creative girl that has a sense of humor.She lives in a penthouse and She lives on my hall.I ask if she wants to come to my "apartment" and once we get there she helps me unpack.When we're done we look around and see that it's really big and clean.In the middle there is a lot of space.We walk down stairs and go to the kitchen...

"What school are you going to?"-Nicole

"Star Talents."-me

"Oh my God so am,do you know your schedule yet?"-Nicole

"No I thought you got them at the end of the summer."-me

"No,you can ask for them."-Nicole

"Ok well I'll get them later."-me

"How about now?"-Nicole


We walk into the living room and go to the elevator,yes the elevated goes strait to our penthouse,and walk to the Star Talents School.As we walk there I see Sarah and Gaby walking together.Shoot.Why are they here?When it's already to late and the spot me.They walk over and start talking...

"Where are you going?"-Sarah


"She is going to pick up her schedule for next year."-Nicole

"I thought you were going to that with us."-Gaby


"Well she's not,shes going with me."-Nicole

Then Nicole latches our arms together and walks away with me dragging at her heels.I look back and see the disgust on Sarah and Gaby's face.We go to get my schedule...

"What would you like?"-secretary

"Um...my schedule for next year."-me


"Sage Whiet."-me

"Mhm...well you have some nerve coming here."-secretary

"Um why?"-me

"Cause you dropped out and you said that this school was a bunch of *dung*
and that everybody that world here are *turds*!Im saying it the nice way you actually said the other words!I don't even know why you know those!Now leave this building before I call security!!!!"-secretary

"B...bu...but...i...i never..."-me


I'm frozen but I feel Nicole dragging me out the door.After that I go back home still in half shock and Nicole leaves without a word.After I just lay in bed and eat until Tuesday.I get up and get dressed in a crop top that has the bottom slanted with black shinny skinny jeans,with my new combat boots.I leave my hair down,showing my streak.I get my bag and walk to school.Oh God I forgot to tell Nico that I moved.I text him while in in the elevator and when the door opens he is standing there.He is dresses in a black shirt with black skinny jeans with black converse.He has a giant grin on his face.

"H...How did you find me?"-me


"Come on we're going to be late."

As we walk out he slips his hand into mine.As we walk I tell him what happened yesterday and the smile slips of his face.He tells he that if I'm not going to that school that he is not going either.When we get to school we are already late so we hurry to our classes.When I walk in I see a note on my desk saying to meet Sarah in the bathroom at half way.When he half way bell rings I walk to the bathroom and Sarah is there.She says she forgives me for yesterday and that her and Michael are dating.I say yea blah,blah blah,blah blah blah.All that jazz.I invitee her and what's his name to my house along with Marissa and her "boyfriend" and Gaby and her boyfriend Cole.After we come home we all sit in the kitchen and decide what to do.Finally we decide to watch a movie and we all walk to the screening room.Sarah goes to the bathroom and I go get some popcorn.When I'm in the kitchen I hear somebody walk in.I turn to see Michael.I turn backarou down and keep working.I hear him come closer until he is right by me.

"Could you please move away a little."-me

"Oh it's ok,ain't it?"

"No not really its actually making me uncomfortable."

He moves even closer and whispers in my ear

"Hey do you want to kick everybody out and dump that boyfriend of yours and become my girlfriend."

"Um no."

He moves closer and I try to get away but he cornered me.He leans in and then Sarah walks in.Her face is in shock.Michael turns around to see what happened,he shrugs and turns around and leans in even closer.Sarah walks up and for some reason slaps me!


I went to sleep after all the drama happen and everybody leaves.I wake up still feeling the slap like it just happened.I don't even know why Sarah slapped ME.I look at my phone and see what Sarah texted me.

I don't think we are friends anymore,im deleting your contact.

Great I'm down to three friends.I see if Gaby wants to come over but she says the same thing.What the heck is going on.I see if Nico wants to come over and finally I have a yes.He comes over and we decide to watch a movie.The elevator rings.Its Nicole.She says if she can say.Blah blah blah.I say yes and tell her what I'm doing.She walks in and Nico turns and she stops dead in her tracks.They met eyes and she runs out.

"I need to leave."-Nico

"I don't think I'm going to go to your house anymore."-Nicole

"Wha...whats wrong?"-me

They both leave.What is going on.The next day I don't go to school.Nothing really happened either.That night Nico texts me.Were breaking up.I try to respond but I think he blocked me.What is wrong with him.

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