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I look in the mirror,my eyes heavy from sleeping.I awoke with the rain still beating on my window.I put on a long black sweater that has a pocket that is galaxy print.Then I put on leggings that are completely galaxy with my blue sandals.I leave my hair down hanging over my face so my scar doesn't show.When I walk into the computer room to get my bag my mom is asleep in her chair,with her head laying on the keyboard.I quietly grab my bag and lock the front door.As I turn my head is still facing the door so I don't see were in walking and I collide with Gaby and Marissa.I am the first to recover and quickly put my hair over my face. Gaby says

"Gosh Sage look were your going."

"What are you guys doing here?"

"We decided to come to your house instead of wait for you."

"...And we know about your brother,and did you know your dad was on the news?"

Well now I have to confess.I told them everything,but the scar.

"That's why Sarah said your dad was acting weird..."

Marissa then interrupted her

"...And is why you went here last week!"

Gaby looking annoyed says

"Yes,and I'm in all advanced."

Marissa now looking annoyed says

"We're here."

We walk into the school,but then they go the opposite direction from where we're suppose to go.I say

"Where are you going?"

"Oh...we both have morning tutoring."

Great nobody to back me up when the plastics see my scar.Great.I walk into the gym and one of the plastics are standing there crying while all the other plastics try to comfort her.Its just the morning,and that made my day.I don't know what happened but I'm glad it happened.After school I see Sarah.

"Did you hear what happened to Rebecca?"

"No,but I saw her crying this morning."

"Ya,her boyfriend broke up with her."

"You mean James?"

"Well who else is she dating?"

The bell rang and I meet up with Gaby and Marissa,and we start to walk home.It was a quiet walk.When I get home,my mom was making dinner.

"Did anyone notice your scar?"


I quickly run up stairs,and a ball of fur attacks me.She doesn't have enough force yet to knock me down,but she did have the element of surprise.It was all fun until she accidentally touches my scar.Pain surges though my body and I cry out and my mom rushes up stairs.She quickly gives me medicine and leaves when we heard a beeping and then realized that it was our dinner.I finish my homework and take a shower.When I come out of the bathroom the alarm goes of and I look down stairs and see my mom hurrying around the kitchen trying to fix dinner.I decide it's time to tell them.I invite over Sarah, Marissa,and Gaby and tell them about the the scar and all the truth.I feel sick after they go home and go to bed early.

I wake up feeling much better,and start to get ready.My mind starts working and I think of him...hm...him...no you can't get lost in dreamland again.As usual I walk with Gaby and Marissa.As I walk into the school and go to the gym I see him.No.Maybe.No.To late.Even if I lost half my memory I still remember my crush.Not every girl would think he is a dream,but I different.Slightly long black hair brushing against his neck,dark brown eyes the almost look black,pale skin almost white,and he always dresses in black.Nico.I freeze.Tense up.Then keep walking.God he was cute.I stare to long forget getting about my scar.Dang it.I quickly hide it but it's to late.

"Where did you get that red mark from?talking to the dead."

Not in front of him.No.Im gona stand up for myself.


"Then where did it come from,gothy?"

"A knife."

I tense up as I see people start it take interest in our conversation,even Nico.

"God,your more mental than I thought you were."

"I didn't do it,idiot."

"Then who did?"

"My father,who is now in jail,now if you'll excuse me I would like to get past the entrance,thank you very much."

I quickly walk away trying to ignore all the eyes watching me as I leave.After that day I go to bed at 10:34.When I wake up I dress in black jean shorts with gold studs,and a black shirt with gold laces leaves that go down to the shoulder,my black combat boots,with my black beanie cause there's no reason to hide my scar now.

I skip breakfast as usual and grab my bag and walk to school alone.Some people are going on a field trip for band or something,so only one third of the school is here,which means the don't have to do any work.Right when the school is in sight it starts sprinkling.Crap.I run the rest of the way and walk into the gym.Its so crowded,but I finally find a spot and sit.Only its to late when I realize who I have to sit by.Suck it up.I sit,by...Nico.He gazes over and happens to see my scar.

"So your dad is in jail now?"


"Sorry for asking it might be a touchy subject,I'm Nico."

"No...no it's fine,my name is Sage."

"Don't we have science and ELA together?"

"Um...yay I think so."

"Cool I have just seen you around school and thought I would talk to you."




"So...you like to where black?"

"Um...ya its my favorite color."

"Mine too."

The bell rings and I wish I could talk to him the whole day.If only...No.No,no,no,no,no.Just no.But if only we could become good friends.Enough.Start thinking about school.Math.Science.ELA.Social studies.Anything but Nico.Great now I'm going to think of them.Great.Cecilia.Tyson.I know I did not imagine them. I know.

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