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(Authors note:No complaining about cliffhangers I update three to four times a day so the longest you have to wait in 12 hours I'm pretty sure you can do so thing productive with your life while waiting and I want you guys to review give me ideas for events that should happen 1 review per two weeks you can do it)

We wait.What should we do.Wait.Wait it's seems like hours before Gaby says

"How bout we call your mom and get her advice?"

I get out my phone and call her.She says so open it and if something happens call her.I wait in suspense as Gaby slowly opens the box.Suddenly there is a yelp.She stops and we both stare eye and eye at each other,I nod and we both open it together.Then we suddenly are attacked...

By the cutest German Shepard pup.At first we are just in shock then we both laugh.It feels good.And...abnormal.There is a note in the box saying that she had cancer and that the owner could not take care of her anymore and that now she is mine.
I call my mom and she says it's fine if we keep Artemis.Im am filled with joy.Its a strange thing,joy,how you can feel it and suddenly it can disappear as fast as it came.Strange.We rush inside and immediately start playing.Those two days went by fast.When my parents get home they both have food,toys,medication,and a house for Artemis.Gaby soon leaves and I go to my room,Artemis fallows me and I'm happy,then as I said the feeling of joy goes away as quickly as it came.No my mind struggles as I try not to think of them.No.Not now.You can't.Your happy don't make it go away.To late.Cecilia.Tyson.Cecilia.Tyson.Ce...I suddenly jerk awake.I don't remember going to sleep but I did.Its 6:30.Time for school I get dressed in simple black jeans,my favorite band teeshirt,and my black combat boots.Simple.I decide to add a black beanie half way on my head.Better.I feed Artemis and walk down stairs and grab some milk and a donut,and grab my black spiked bag.I meet Marissa and Gaby at the end of the street and we start to walk to school we tell Marissa everything that happened.Marissa has more than shoulder length hair,brown eyes,and a mean attitude when she gets mad.When we get to the school we see a plastic,I have remembered enough to know that they are just jerks and bosses everybody around.We try to walk around them hoping that today they are in a good mood and wont bother us.Today was not that day.Ad we walk by one says

"Hey Ms.Goth or is it Ms.Shy I can't remember?"

"No no Rebecca it Ms.Punk don't you remember?"

"Rebecca it obvious that it's Ms.Punk just like you said right Casey."

All three laugh and walk away.Marissa and Gaby both try to comfort me but it doesn't work I wouldn't mind them just its that they did it in front of him.

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