01 | Dark Moon

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MEXICO. NOT AT all where I expected to find myself, with Lydia and Stiles. I glanced around, an uncomfortable feeling in my tummy. This wasn't going to go well.

"This doesn't seem so bad," Stiles said.

"It's not the town, it's the plan," Lydia responded.

Sighing, I added, 'This might be the stupidest plan we've come up with," knowing the success rate of any plan going well with them is unfortunately slim.

We began walking forward, my mind wondering. My hands absentmindedly ran themselves on my blades attached to my hip, making sure they were still there, as Lydia and Stiles began their back and forth.


We find ourself placed in front of the door of a club, Lydia saying words. To me, that's all they were - I didn't know many languages in the first place.

The man shook his head until Stiles pulled up a card to the camera, the small device moving to view it before the buzzer of the door opening was heard.

With a quick check of my blades again, I sighed and stepped in first as the other two continued to stand there. I nodded for them to follow, walking down the hallway. I made sure no immediate threats were around, opening the door and welcoming myself into the party.

Turned out we weren't welcome.


The three of us are sat politely in our chairs. Lydia in the middle, Stiles to the left and myself to the right.

An older women is sat, a table being the only thing separating her from us.
I hold back a smirk, watching as she sharpens a knife, making meaningless small talk as an act of intimidation.

I'm an Argent. I know who she is as I've heard some stories from Gerard when he was morphing me into who I used to be  - I'm just fortunate she isn't aware of me.

"As much as I would love to hear you drone on about your lame music taste, how about you give us what we really want." I begin, becoming annoyed at her weak attempts of scaring me. Taking a side glance at the other two, I roll my eyes as I see it working well for them.

"We're here for Derek. Derek Hale." Lydia adds, jumping into the conversation.

"Is that so?" Araya asks the strawberry blonde.

"Yes." I interrupt, my patience wearing thin, "We know you have him."

Lydia gives me a look before turning back to the woman, "We heard you can be bought."

Taking that as his cue, Stiles began taking out stacks of money and placing them on the table.
I've zoned back out at this point, not caring too much about the conversation - I'm just here as protection. Lydia can scream but she can't fight, and well Stiles... is Stiles.

Click. I hear from the gun to my right as my hand goes towards my blades. I would have brought my own gun but I didn't want to bring a weapon that would make noise and most likely run out - it is the Calaveras, after all.

"It's not smart to come alone." Araya spoke.

"What makes you think we came alone?" Stiles questioned.

Araya looked offended as realisation dawned on her features, "You brought a wolf into my home?"

"We brought an Alpha."


I'm sat, hearing the old lady drone on to the other two beside me, occasionally rolling my eyes from time to time. I'm on alert, waiting for everything to go south like it usually does.

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