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RUSHING IN AND clearing the table at Deaton's, Scott and Stiles hurriedly placed down Derek.

"Wow." Deaton murmured, eyes slightly wider than usual, seeming surprised.

"Wow? As in I've seen this before and know exactly what to do kinda wow? 'Cause that's the kinda wow we're hoping for." Stiles responded, anxious.

"I think you may be overestimating my abilities." Deaton was quick to respond.

"That's lovely then, thank you, man that is supposed to be all-knowing. If Gandalf over here doesn't know, we're screwed." I speak, Stiles trying to hide a grin at my comparison.

Scott shook his head, giving me a look. "Not the time."

I roll my eyes, glancing back at Derek, "Is this even reversible? Or are we stuck with younger Derek?" I asked before I finally got a good look at him, quickly adding, "I wouldn't mind either way, he's actually kinda cute."

This earned sighs of unison, a glare from Scott. Deaton paused to look at me with a brow raised before he continued, saying Derek would be safe here. That he has to study the boy before any conclusion can be made.

He then tried to get us to leave, saying how we are all sleep deprived and needing to go to school. I rolled my eyes, "School's dumb."

Deaton shook his head, mentioned the bags under my eyes - which was entirely unneeded, by the way, and then sent Scott, Stiles and I away as Lydia had offered to stay. She was the only one with the good grades anyway.


I sighed, stepping into the house gently with Scott. He was the only pack member I grew closest to, minus Stiles who became very brotherly to me. He made me feel comfortable, safe. We had become friends very quickly, and trusted each other through everything.

Clang. I looked up to see Scott tripped over. I shook my head as his dad woke up, leaving them be and tiptoeing upto Scott's room. I've been staying with him considering I have no family left.

I would stay with Stiles, but I'm distrubed to stay with him and his girlfriend, the fear of witnessing something I shouldn't deep within my bones. Considering that, Scott offered to take me in. Allison died, Chris moved away - he offered to take me but I declined, it'd be odd as we didn't know each other too well and things ended rocky with Isaac. Last time Argent saw me was when I was six, he had no clue what happened.

I slipped on one of Scott's shirts. I wanted to feel comfy, he was bigger than me and his shirts were cosy - my wardrobe was lacking anyway, I don't have many possessions at all. The only one possession I was attached to is dead.

Curling up on the mattress in Scott's room, I nuzzled into the blanket and finally drifted off.


"You are nothing. You are worthless. You're a nobody. A useless, no good bitch who can't even defend herself." A woman called out, laughing.

I opened my eyes, only to find I couldn't see. I tried not to panic, doing what I could to try and escape my restraints.

"You killed those people. You monster. You animal. They were innocent. You deserve the scars on you made, you know you do and that's why you put them there. You also deserved the ones from everyone else, you should hurt. You should be in pain. You deserve to die. It should've been you. Not her."
Another woman voiced, sounding vaguely familar, but I couldn't figure out who as the voice was distant.

Then the blindfold was off.

I blinked, adjusting my eyes until the person came into view, bending down to look at me as wounds began to appear on my skin.

Immanis || Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now