07 | A Promise to the Dead + Smoke and Mirrors

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TREADING THE TUNNELS carefully, Chris and I turn the corner with our guns raised. Chris crouches down, reaching his hand into the water and picking up a bone. I'm watching intently. We've found her.

Both of us hear a noise and he's quick back onto his feet, our guns pointing in the direction of the noise. Peter Hale. Why must it always be him?

"How did you find her?" Chris questions the evil wolf, voice loud.

"Keen sense of a smell. You?" He responds and I have the urge to just slap him. It's safe to assume we all do.

I pull out another bone from my pocket, lifting it up for Peter to see. "This came out of Scott's side."

Chris continues, "There were traces of calcium hydroxide on it."

"It's used by water treatment plants as an anti-corrosive." I finish, tossing it off to the side.

"Well, family bonding seems to be going well." Peter comments as he watches us and I take a quick inhale through my nose, "You tracked Kate and her Berserkers all the way down here. That's very impressive."

I notice the look in his eyes and I know Peter is going to pull something, "I wonder if one of them might still be around."

On cue a Berserker rounds the corner behind Chris and I. Both of us turn and I groan, then we start shooting.


Chris is held by his neck against the wall, courtesy of boney bitch. I'm against the wall, groaning at the agony in my bones. Our guns are at the other side of the tunnel, along with my belt. Peter is a dick.

He's walking over with a skinny metal cylindrical thing, "Unfortunately, whilst I promised Kate I wouldn't kill you," The Berserker stands down, holding onto me as Peter grabs Chris, "I also can't let you leave."

He yells in pain as it goes through his body and I'm squirming desperately in the grip of the giant to get to him and stop the situation. Chris is trying to pull it out.

Peter stops him, "No, no, no, no." He grabs it, "Allow me." Then he bends the rest of the bar, capturing Chris in place. "Now you rest here a while. You've had a hard time, for a very long time."

Once he steps back I'm free to run over, and I do. "Chris?"

He shakes his head, "Warn Scott and the others. I'll be alright." Chris gasps and I take a shaky breath, "It's okay, kid."

I pause from the nickname, a wave of sadness taking over. I may not have believed it to be possible, but him and I have bonded from our time actually getting to know each other.

"No, I'm not going anywhere." I tell him firmly, I need to save him.

"Correct. You aren't." I hear his voice and then his hands are on me. I feel sick. Peter leans close to my ear, Chris watching with an angry expression - he doesn't like his hands on me either. "You, darling, are going to be used for something much greater."

I hear Chris yell and then everything turns black.


I've experienced a lot of crazy in my life, but they never prepared me for waking up tied to something that resembled a tomb with Scott McCall in the same circumstance.

"Tell me, you two," I hear Kate's voice and groan, I watch as she walks over to Scott and tightens the cuff around his wrist and he groans in response to the pain, "They ever teach you about the myth of Artemis and Actaeon in school? No? I didn't think so."

The she-devil is walking towards me, "Well, Artemis was a goddess, and Actaeon was a hunter that happened to see Artemis being naked one day." She grabs my hand and tightens the strap, I wince in pain, "Well, this did not make the goddess too happy. In fact, she was so angry, Artemis turned Actaeon into a deer and this sent his own hounds into a frenzy. He was actually torn apart by his own hunting dogs."

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