04 | The Benefactor + I.E.D

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I'M STANDING BESIDE Derek, with a shirtless Peter leaning against the table in front of us.

I took the day off to train, but came over once Derek called me to explain that his uncle was attacked, an axe was in his chest. At first I laughed. It's Peter - how could I not?

I came anyways, wanting to help. I'm the only Argent in town, considering Chris is away to France with Isaac. They need a hunter sometimes, and I can always offer my service.

Peter had just finished explaining his attack and realisation crosses over my features.

"No mouth? Bald? Completely black attire?" I question and Peter gives me an accusatory look.

"How the hell do you know that?" He asks me and I feel Derek turning towards me too.

"He was there, last night with Scott. He killed the wendigo, Sean. He left and I came in time to see him. When the thing saw me, he raised a finger to where his mouth would be and left. I have no clue who he is or why he was there, and no clue why he tried to kill you. All I know is he's creepy and kills with a tomahawk." I explained to them both, Derek playing with a lighter.

"Yeah, and he laces them with wolfsbane." The fully clothed male stated, flicking the lighter on and glancing at Peter. "I don't know the species, so I need to burn it out."

"I think I can handle a little fire."

Derek only smirked in response, picking up a blowtorch. I couldn't help but smirk too, Peter suffering was always amusing.

He took the flame to Peter's chest, burning out the wolfsbane. He screamed, trying to keep himself steady for the minutes of suffering he had to endure.

Peter panted as he fell back on the floor, grunting as he healed. I sighed, offering a hand out as Derek did the same, both of us pulling him up.

"He said he was after you." Peter said, staring at Derek.

I snorted, "How does a guy with no mouth say anything?"

Peter picked up a glove that seemed to have something attached to it, "With this."


"I still don't get how he has no mouth." The sheriff starts, "I mean, how can he eat?"

I raised a brow, that was the question he was going with?

Derek gave him a look, "Peter didn't get a chance to ask. He was fighting him off with a tomahawk buried in his chest."

"Yeah, and who runs around with a tomahawk?" The sheriff spoke judgingly.

I shrug, looking towards the door as Parrish steps in.

"I carried one for IED removal in Afghanistan." He speaks up, "It's military, and so is that." He walks over to the desk.

"Do you know what it's used for?" I question the cute deputy.

"Well, this one looks like it's been modified." Parrish answers. Well duh, obviously.

I shake my head and walk over to the door to close it. He states the obvious but it's clear he knows something.

Stilinski gives me a small nod at the action, "Show us."


I lean on the desk, in the middle of the sheriff and Derek. Parrish is on the computer, searching for information.

"Okay. I think I got an IP address."

Stilinski steps over, leaning around his deputy, "That means we can find him, right?"

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