05 | Orphaned

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CHRIS AND I are speeding down the road. Definitely illegal, but one hundred percent needed.

I'm on the passenger side as Chris drives. We were sent this way by the Calaveras as we are still tracking Kate. And I want my revenge.

My fingers drum along my gun, other hand playing with my bow as I recount every knife I can feel on me. We need to be prepared for her.

That monster is difficult to deal with, and we need to make sure we can win.

The Calaveras said Kate was heading for a prison transportation van and none of us have any clue why. We don't know what she wants, but we're following behind it.

The only problem is another car is following it, too.

It may be my imagination or truly something suspicious, but it's speeding ahead of us to get to the van.

"Step on it." I order Argent who listens and presses his foot down harder on the pedal.

As we get closer, something feels off.

I'm watching my surroundings carefully. It's when I look to my far right that I catch something move.

It was near the van, like it was targeting it.

"Chris, do you see that?" I question, sitting straighter in the car seat as I squint, trying to figure out what it is.

He checks in the directions, eyebrows raising in surprise. "I do, but what is that?"

As if they heard him, they come out of the forest. Large, boney creatures charge at the van.

Everything became a blur as it only took a second for the van to be tipped and for blood to be spilled.

Chris slams his foot on the breaks and we quickly get out of the car, hands on our weapons.

We head near the forest area, hiding ourselves behind a tree.

"Berserker." I mumble, getting a better sight of them.

I then catch Argent's gaze, "The other car is heading for the van. There will be an attack and Kate is definitely here if her minions are."

I go to move away, wanting to see if the people in the van are alive. That idea goes down the drain quickly when someone makes themself known.

"Who knew my useless daughter had a brain?" A voice calls and I tense. Chris and I look over to see none other than Kate Argent, in the flesh, as a Werejaguar.

If you told me three years ago that I'd be on the same side as supernaturals with my uncle, fighting my mother who died and came back to life, I'd probably send you to Eichen.

Now that I see it's real, I might need Eichen.

"So, you're the two hunting me?" Kate laughs before growling lowly, "What if I just rip both of your throats out, like you allowed to happen to me."

"No. Back off before you get hurt." Argent warns, taking a step in front of me.

Kate laughs maniacally, "You wouldn't hurt me, Chrissy."

"I will, she-whore." I announce, already taking the first shot right into her knee.

Kate growled, going to lunge for me but Chris stopped her.

"Y'know, it's a bit hypocritical trying to kill me when I shot you once. I never tried that, and how many times have you shot me, mother dearest?" I speak up for myself, sarcasm laced in every word as I offer a fake smile. There's a sense of pride as I manage to speak for myself, not afraid of her like I used to be.

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