03 | Muted

28 2 0

"AN AXE MURDERER?" I ask, looking between the three around me.

"A family-murdering, axe murderer." Stiles confirms.

"I already heard about it. My mum called me, she knew I'd see it on the news." Scott comments to his friend.

Stiles claps his hands together, glad to know this information, "Perfect! Let's go."

"We've got econ in five minutes." The wolf reminds.

The boy pauses, "Right. Did you forget the part about the family-murdering axe murderer?"

"Did you forget your dad is the sheriff? They want us to stay out of it." Scott fires back.

Stiles looks flabbergasted, "Are you guys kidding me? There's a family-murdering axe murderer, and we're not doing anything about it?"

"Maybe we should just let the adults handle it." Kira pipes in, the rest of us silently agreeing.

"Look, Stiles. Maybe it's for the best if we do what we are supposed to." I mumble to him, needing to at least pass.

"So you all just want to stay here, go to school, go to class?" Stiles questions and the three of us nod at him as an answer, causing him to shake his head. "Never heard anything so irresponsible in my life." He tuts before walking off. I shake my head and find my way to my class.


Having a well deserved nap, I'm curled up on the couch in the McCall house. I didn't expect much to go wrong after school - and that was my mistake, it's Beacon Hills.

I grumble to myself when I'm woken up by rings in the distance. Sighing and opening my eyes I sit up, adjusting myself to the light and look for my phone.

Spotting it on the coffee table, I lean over and grab it to answer.

"Hello?" I mumble in a 'this better be good' tone.

"Raven? That you?" Lydia asked, she seemed frantic.

"Who else would it be?" I deadpanned.

"Not the time, Raven you need to get to the hospital." She told me, urgent.

"I mean- sure, but why?" I ask, standing up and fixing myself.

"Look- The family who got murdered? One is alive. He's at the hospital. I told Scott, he's looking for him too. His name is Sean Walcott. Find him." Lydia spoke hurriedly, and I'm honestly concerned as to why.

I nod even though she couldn't see, "I'll be there."

I end the call, rushing to Scott's room. With rushed movements, I grab my belt, sticking it on under my shirt and heading back down the stairs. I make sure my belt has everything I need, then check the knife in my boot.

Okay. Everything is there. I think and head out the door, getting in the car and driving to the hospital.


I'm walking through the hospital doors, head snapping towards the sound of a scream.

Breaking into a sprint, I end up trying to go even faster upon hearing a roar. Scott. His name going through my head as I do my best to find him.

Turning a corner and almost throwing myself into the wall, I come to a halt seeing Scott and Melissa. Making my way over, I see her on the floor with blood.

"Are you okay?" I gasp, concerned for the woman who has been nothing but sweet to me.

Melissa nods, Scott trying to help her up. I go to her other side, making sure she was steady before letting go.

"Will you be fine on your own?" Scott asks his mother, scared something bad might happen to her again.

Melissa nods again, "I'll be fine." She breathes, air was obviously taken out of her. "Go get that son of a bitch."

Scott and I stare at each other before we nod and head off in different directions.


Running through the hospital halls once again, I falter as I see figures. A boy being, I think dragged, in the distance.

"Stop!" I yell, urging myself to continue forward until I've caught up to them, seeing them clearer.

There's a brunette boy being tugged and Ino clue who he is - but he's injured, he has no way to escape.

I grab a knife, running over and slicing the other male in his arm. He growls, letting go of the injured kid and turns to me.

Wendigo. I notice it immediately, then again who wouldn't? Its teeth are on show, blood all over his face.

The freaky cannibal lunges for me and I duck, punching him in the stomach before going down further, spinning and sliding my leg along the floor to knock him on his ass.

I get up and steady myself, the wendigo already on his feet. I'm going to strike him with my knife again but he catches my arm.

Maybe, just maybe, I underestimated this creature. I know them well but this one seems more feral than the others. I groan at the grip he has before he shoves me, knocking me quite the distance away. I catch myself as I hit the floor, not much damage done.

The male has already fled with his next meal so I jump up, running in the direction I believe they went.


Slamming open the door to the stairs, I see blood on the wall. I found them.

Rushing up the stairs, I head straight out onto the roof. I skid to stop as I see a tomahawk getting flung into the wendigo, and I'm making an educated guess that this creature is Sean. He gasps, blood spurting out of his mouth as he dies immediately. He falls to the ground and I look away, turning to see the man, or thing, that killed him.

He has no mouth, head completely bare and he's wearing all black. Everywhere minus his head is covered. He oddly reminds me of Edward Scissorhands.

He looks right at me and I reach for a gun, but all the person does is bring their index finger to where there lips would be - it wants to silence me. I nod, not wantimg to brawl with whatever being he is. He turns and fortunately leaves.

I focus on Scott now, him looking at me with a guilty expression before he glances towards the injured kid from earlier. Walking over, I wonder why he felt bad.

Crouching down and checking his wound, I sigh softly. I glance back up to the alpha for an explanation.

"I was fighting the guy and I couldn't hold on, I had to save him and it was the only way-" He speaks but I cut him off, knowing he would beat himself up over this.

"It's okay. You made sure he was alive. Don't blame yourself." I tell him, before glancing back at the boy. "Now, what do we do with him?"


shorter one! but reminder im not doing all of s4, considering its honestly not necessary so there will be time jumps and such <3

sayin this for all my books but trust the process 😫

words: 1171

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