File#1: Selene

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"Major, nii-san is dozing off again," He heard a young girl say.

"Am not," he opened one eye and stared at the girl, scoffing at her. "I'm just resting my eyes is all."

"Stay focused, you four. This mission is very important." A woman spoke through their comms. Alarms blared around the deserted city. A large ship loomed over the sky, almost covering up the whole sky as hundreds of smaller ships rained down.

"We're really gonna take this thing down?" Aiden muttered as he fiddled with the ring on his finger. Two other people were with him on the roof, both doing one last round of check on their battlesuits.

"We have to stop it before it crashes," A girl with long purple hair approached him, purple eyes glued to the massive ship up above, her pink battlesuit glistening in the light.

Raiden Mei, how the hell do you pull off looking good even at times like this?

...Okay me, get your head in the game. We have a mission to complete here.

"Target Selene will spawn a Honkai Armageddon if it crashes at Sapphire, ETA: 30 minutes." Another girl said as she approached the two.

Bronya Zaychik. She had silver-gray hair fashioned in drill-shaped twin-tails, and piercing silver eyes staring at a small screen in front of her displaying the timer.

"Heads up, everyone. Support jets are on your way." A familiar voice spoke through their transmitters.

"Yes, Major." The other two replied

"Heard you loud and clear, Auntie Himeko." He added.

"... I'll let that one slide for now, Aiden." She scoffed at him.

"Wait, where's Kiana?" Mei asked, worriedly looking for her mission white-haired friend.

As if right on cue, there was a small explosion not far from where they are, a faint hue of a giant cat paw barely visible.

"...Well, there's your answer." He muttered before putting his hand over his ear, activating the transmitter. "Hey, Major. Kiana already went up ahead, what now?"


"Uhh, Himeko??"


There was no reply. Aiden turned to Mei instead, confused and waiting for instructions. She surveyed the field, their rides were fast approaching and the Selene was getting closer.

"... I'll catch up with Kiana at the Selene," she ordered as she made her way to the edge of the rooftop. "The two of you make your way to the control room."

"Roger that," the two nodded and the three of them went their way, jumping on top of drone jets sent by Schicksal.

Aiden's eyes darted around looking for Mei as they approached the Selene. He wanted to be with her instead during the mission but the mission called for him to support Bronya instead.

"Aiden nii-san worries too much about Mei nee-san," Bronya told him. "Aiden nee-san should focus on the mission first,"

"Hai hai," He waved her off. Of course, he knew he'd had to focus on the mission first, he just can't help but worry sometimes.

Just then, a number of honkai beasts appeared on the jet they were on.

"Bronya will let you handle them," She said, typing on a holographic keyboard.

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