File#12: A Storm in the Pacific

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Drifter arrived at Oceania amidst the storm. Powerful gusts of wind threatened to tear the city as he tried to make his way through. The winds themselves were strong enough to leave small cuts around his body.

"Aiden, I told you not to go. What are you doing there!?"

"Where are they, Himeko!?"

"It's too dangerous!"

"I don't care! They could be in trouble!"

No response.

Drifter pushed on, trying to slip between buildings to avoid the winds, making his way towards what he perceived to be the source, the eye of the storm.

It was only a few hundred meters away yet felt like miles away.

The winds only picked up even more as he got closer to the eye. It started leaving gashes along the street, cars were being thrown about as if they weighed nothing. Drifter could barely keep his feet on the ground. With each step, the winds threatened to take him.

Fortunately, there was no one else there. No civilians for him to worry about. Focusing all of his focus on each step, he slowly inched closer and closer.

As the storm's rage increased, Drifter noticed more and more Valkyries appear, seemingly struggling to push forward amidst the storm as well.

"Himeko, we have valks here."

"Looks like they sent Vanguards." Himeko answered. "Durandal is being kept busy by the AE battleships right now but those Valkyries are a threat nonetheless."

Hearing that Durandal was fine lets Drifter breathe a sigh of relief. He felt bad leaving them alone to deal with the plane but he had no choice. Still, there was that seed of doubt that they didn't make it but he guessed that's the strongest Valkyrie for you.

"Roger that, I'll subdue as much as I can." Drifter focused and activated his power and within seconds, he vanished without a trace.

Amidst the chaos of the storm, Valkyries started dropping to the ground after mysteriously being knocked unconscious, causing more confusion. Their bodies were then tied up to whatever heavy object was closest with a rope and duct tape.

Drifter continued to push on as he subdued more Valkyries. As he gets closer to the center, the winds become dangerously stronger.

W-what the hell is causing this storm!?

A few hours earlier.

"So, mind telling me about this gem?" Himeko asked Theresa. The two were back at St. Freya, monitoring the trio of Kiana, Mei, and Bronya as they proceeded with their mission in Oceania.

"It's a long story." Theresa muttered.

"What a coincidence, I'm in the mood for long stories right now." Himeko chuckled, trying to lighten up the mood.

"...Do you know of the incident in Siberia 14 years ago?" Theresa's tone was serious. She had a grim expression on her face, as if she had remembered something unpleasant.

"The 2nd eruption? I've read the files."

"...After Cecilia, the strongest Valkyrie at the time, sacrificed herself to destroy the core, it shattered into four pieces."

"I assume this gem we're retrieving is one of them?"

"Yeah..." Theresa stared at the large monitor in front of her, at the girls happily chatting with each other. "That battleship Kiana and the others retrieved. It requires 4 Herrscher cores to activate."

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