File#9: Operation Deepness

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Somewhere in the middle of the seas of Oceania lies a circular infrastructure only a few hundred meters above sea level. Aside from a helicopter that had just landed, there seemed to be nothing peculiar about the structure at a glance, not that anyone would be able to see it from miles away.

From the helicopter, three men in suits came out, your typical secret agent goons. What was eye-catching was the fourth person who stepped out of the chopper. A figure hidden under a dark cloak, carrying a polearm with them.

After watching for a while, Aiden got out of the water and hid behind the chopper, quickly removing his diving suit as quickly as possible. Pressing a small button on the suit, he quickly threw it back into the sea, bubbles popping up on the surface a couple of seconds later.

Aiden took a peek to make sure the party was still there before putting on the last piece of his new battlesuit, a plain-looking helmet. He was against it but Nagamitsu insisted he needed it for the battlesuit to fully work.

He lets out a sigh as the suit's systems go online, connecting him to the other two.

"Status report Drifter?" He immediately heard Durandal ask.

"Right on schedule,"

"Proceed as planned then."

He took one last peek from behind the chopper before looking at his right hand.

Alright, it's now or never I guess.

He took a deep breath and concentrated as much as he could, focusing all his energy on the battlesuit's main point. Within a minute his whole body began glitching and after a while, he was completely invisible to the naked eye.

"Remember, they can still detect you in other ways." Durandal reminded her through the comms.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be careful."

He made a beeline for the group he was trailing and stopped just behind the cloaked figure as the doors behind him closed, careful that he wouldn't give himself away.

His heart momentarily dropped, however, as the figure glanced right at where he was. He dared not move as he held his breath, hoping that the figure would move on already.

Upon closer inspection, he noticed the figure had a slender build despite the thick cloak surrounding it. What caught his eye though was what seemed to be a beak sticking out of the figure's hood.

"What's the hold-up?" One of the suits asked with a disgruntled voice.

"Nothing," The figure spoke, its voice muddled yet noticeably feminine, turning away from Aiden and towards the figure that addressed it. "Let's go. I'm in a hurry."

The suit grunted at the figure before moving on. As the group continued, they were led through a series of tunnels, most of them on a downward slope. Every few feet or so, they were met with a checkpoint with numerous different types of security. From your typical body-checking to sensors that detect body heat. Either way, it gave Aiden an annoying time bypassing them without getting caught.

One thing he noticed during one of the security checks was the cloaked figure. In one of the checks, the figure removed their hood, and what he perceived earlier as a beak was actually a plague mask instead. As to why a person in this day and age would wear a mask like that, he did not know.

After numerous more checkpoints, they finally arrived at the heart of the facility. Deep underwater, the facility was of cylindrical shape with most of the areas occupying the edges with a large gaping hole in the middle of it all.

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