File #6: A Very Normal Day

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After an eventful week, AIden found his usual days in St. Freya to be...boring.

Sitting all morning in class was boring. Listening to a teacher talk for hours was boring. The only saving grace he had was that he was sitting beside Mei. But even that could become boring when nothing really happens.

Really, he would have ditched class if Himeko wasn't the professor right now. And just before lunch too.

Often times he just found himself aimlessly staring outside. On the other end, Bronya was barely holding on as the two tried to ignore Kiana's snoring.

Aiden was snapped from his daze when he noticed a piece of paper in front of him.

You're dozing off again

He let out a small chuckle as he recognized the handwriting and started writing on the paper.

Can't help it. The lecture is boring.

He let out a small smile seeing Mei pout a little as she read what he wrote. She gave him an annoyed look and instead of writing back, Mei instead pinched his hand. Of course, she was careful enough not to pinch the bandaged areas. Even then, the pinch was gentle enough that it probably wouldn't hurt a fly.

With a smirk plastered on his face, he retaliated and poked her sides, prompting Mei to let out a small, barely audible squeal. Mei shot him a glare and squeezed his hand.

Help me stay awake then?


Just doing this is fine

You're okay with just this?

If it's you, yeah

For a while, Mei didn't write back. Aiden glanced in her direction and found her staring at the piece of paper they were writing on, a smile on her face she was trying to hide. Eventually, she snapped out of it and wrote something back.

Promise you'll still at least listen to class?

It's a deal

Then...what should we talk about?

And so, the two passed the time talking about random things. None of them are really of any importance so the author will just skip that.

Also, Aiden definitely did not listen to whatever the lecture was and was called to answer the teacher's questions a few times. Of course with a little help from Mei, he did not have much trouble answering any of them.

As for Kiana...

Well, they did their best to help, the girls did at least, but nothing could save her from the wrath of Himeko once she got caught sleeping.

The class eventually ended and the group made their way out as soon as every other student left. Aiden, however, lingered at the door as he looked behind him.

"You okay, Aiden?" Mei asked him, the three of them were waiting for him outside.

"You guys go on ahead, I'll just..." He pointed at the Major.

"Oh, alright." He watched the girls leave before turning back towards Himeko.

"Need some help?"

"Ah, Aiden. I'm fine." She tried to wave him off to no avail as Aiden carried the stacks of paper on her table.

"Alright, where are we headed?"

"...Office." She let out a tired sigh as Aiden took the papers from her. While the two made their way to her office, Himeko raised an eyebrow after noticing a grin plastered in Aiden's face. "Things went well with Mei earlier I assume?"

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