File#2: Home

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Early mornings at the St. Freya dorms are usually noisy on a weekday as students prepare for the upcoming school day.

Yet for a certain group's section, it was relatively quiet. After all, said group have the day off after finishing their mission yesterday.

The Selene has been transferred to St. Freya and out of their hands so Aiden had hoped to sleep in the whole day.

Yet a knock on his room's door and a certain voice calling out to him stopped him from going to sleep.

"Aiden, breakfast is ready. Are you going to eat with us?"

"I'll be there in a sec." He answered. Truly, he just wanted to sleep but Mei calling him for breakfast already had him wide awake.

He groggily got up from his bed and made his way to the kitchen. There, he found, surprisingly, Kiana already waiting as Mei served the food.

"You're up early," he said as he sat in front of her. The girl did not answer him, however, and only stared back in a daze.

"Kiana?" He lightly flicked her forehead, making the girl jump out of her seat.

"W-whaaa- what'd you do that for!?" Kiana pouted at her senpai.

"No reason," He shrugged and took a seat in front of her.

"Okay, guys. No messing with each other in front of the food." Mei scolded the two before they could go at it, chuckling to herself after the two immediately stopped and shifted their attention to the food instead.


They took their time enjoying the food Mei made. Except for Kiana. She just consumed whatever was in front of her as much as possible.

"So, you guys got anything to do today?" Aiden asked Mei while trying to battle Kiana for some egg rolls.

"Kiana and I are going out to buy some groceries," She answered. "After that, I guess I'll study for the exams?"

"Huh, mind if I tag along then? I don't want to stay in my room all day."


"Eh, but I wanted some alone time with Mei~" Kiana stopped eating just to complain.

"You get that all the time," Aiden muttered.

"I don't get enough," Kiana answered back.

"If you want more alone time with me, then promise you'll study hard for the upcoming exams, Kiana-chan." Mei flashed her a smile. Not the usual gentle smile, but one that sent shivers down her spine.

"F-fine, Aiden senpai can come." Kiana immediately backed down. "On one condition."

"What is it?" He asked.

"Take me to the arcade after we're done with the groceries." Kiana demanded.

He looked at her, confused. He expected Kiana to ask for something else, like treat her to an expensive buffet or something, but the arcade?

"What, I can't have fun one more time before the exams? I do want that alone time with Mei senpai after all."

"Fair enough."

"Hmm, in that case. I'm all Kiana-chan's for a day-" Kiana instantly beamed with excitement as soon as she heard Mei say that. "If, and only if, you get good scores on the exam."

Mei giggled as she bopped a deflated Kiana's nose.

"That's impossible," she muttered.

"Don't worry, Aiden-san and I will help you, right?" She turned to him, awaiting a reply.

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