File#3: Mission

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Aiden woke up early and immediately made his way to where Himeko told him to meet up. When he arrived at the designated location, he was greeted by a student he was acquainted with.

"Fu Hua? I didn't expect you to be here."

"Greetings, Aiden-san," the class monitor bowed. "The principal asked me to accompany her in sending you two off."

"Aaaaand where is the principal?"

"...She went off to get the major."

"Got drunk again?"


Aiden let out a sigh. You'd think an adult would be responsible enough to not drink before a mission but he should have expected this from Himeko.

"I guess we'll be waiting for a while then," he dropped the bag he was carrying to the ground and faced the hangar in front of them. "I'm surprised we're using the Hyperion for this."

"Indeed, you'd think a small transport craft would be enough for just you two." Fu Hua stood beside him, also staring at the large battleship.

"You think Himeko will let me pilot the Hyperion?"

"You...want to pilot the Hyperion?"

"I mean, why not?" He snapped his finger and a spear immediately appeared in his hand. He stabbed the spear on the ground diagonally and leaned on it. "Want one?"

"No thank you," Fu hua simply refused. "Maybe someday you'll be able to pilot the Hyperion. That is, if the Principal hands it over to you."

"Forget Theresa, I might not even get past Himeko."

"The Major? Well, she is very protective of you."

"A bit too much, I'd say. She even has to babysit me for this mission."

"It's quite peculiar that only you two were sent given how important this mission is," Fu Hua muttered. That was something Aiden could agree with.

"Eh, I should be more than enough."

"Hopefully," She looked at him skeptically. He let out a sigh in response.

Okay, yeah, maybe the mission wasn't particularly suited to him. He was not known for missions like this after all. But it was a good opportunity for him to show that he isn't just the brawn of the group.

"Never mind that, it feels more like I'm the one babysitting here..." He said as the two spotted the principal and major in the distance.

"You do have it rough..." Fu Hua lets out a chuckle as they waited for the two.

"Ah, Aiden. You're already here." The principal approached them, dragging a still half asleep Himeko with her, which was a unique sight given their height difference.

"Hi Auntie Theresa,"

"I told you to call me Principal."

"Okay Auntie Theresa."

"Haa," she let out a small sigh before handing him Himeko. "Alright, Major. Take your time in the Hyperion to rest, you need to be in proper shape for this mission."

"Hai Hai," Himeko answered, leaning on an unamused Aiden for support.

"You should really ban her from alcohol, auntie."

"I know..." The principal sighed. "Himeko, I'm banning you from drinking for a week after this."

"Oi-" The major was about to complain when Aiden cut her off.

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