File #7: Schicksal HQ I

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"No, I can't accept that."

"The overseer ordered it."

"I don't care. I can protect him here just fine."

"Himeko, they easily got past our security. Aiden won't be the only one in danger if this happens again."

"Tighten our security then!"

Himeko and Theresa continued to argue with each other. After the attack last night, Aiden was moved to the principal's office. The attack itself never went further than his room and no one else in St. Freya found out.

"I'll only be there for a while, right?" He tried to butt in only to be met with a glare from Himeko. He was immediately told not to interrupt just as the two continued to argue.

Himeko became increasingly irate as the conversation continued. Theresa had a point, no one would be safe with him here, but Himeko wouldn't just let her send Aiden away, not when she had no way to look after him while he's gone.

"Wouldn't everyone else be in danger if I stay here?" He spoke up again. Himeko suddenly stopped pacing. Aiden expected her to scold him right away but nothing came. "What if someone else gets hurt during an attack?"

"Aiden's right. We can't risk our students' safety."

"...Will he be safe there?" Himeko asked.

"Grandpa will make sure of it."

Himeko let out a heavy sigh and shook her head. Aiden stood up and approached her, comforting her with a hug.

"I promise I'll behave. I won't get in trouble. I'll try to call every night."

"...Fine." Himeko finally relents. "Just...keep safe okay? And come back to me in one piece."

"You're such a crybaby, Mom." He chuckled. "Take care of the others for me while I'm gone."

"I'll tell HQ then," Theresa spoke up. "Your ride should be here in a few hours so it's best to pack your things now."

And so, Aiden went back to his room to pack his things. Himeko, on the other hand, was ordered to take the day off.

While Aiden was busy packing his things, it finally occurred to him that it'll be the first time he goes anywhere without Himeko looking after him.

It felt exciting yet at the same time, scary to be alone. Especially since he was going to someplace he has never been to.

He has heard about Schiksal's headquarters from Theresa numerous times. He has met the overseer only a few times, one was when he was entrusted Undrjarn, the ring he uses, to him by the overseer himself.

I'll be fine. I've been through worse.

"Nii-san? Dinner's ready." A knock came from outside his room. He looked at the door to see Bronya standing by, the door half open. She gave his packed bag a confused look. "What are you doing?"

"Ah, I'll be going somewhere for a few days."

"Does the Major know?" She looked at him worriedly.


"Does the Principal know?"

"Yes. Look, I'll just be gone for a few days." He explained to her as he finished packing.

"Will nii-san still be having lunch with us then?" Bronya accompanied him as he left the room. He thought for a moment if he should when a message popping up on his phone gave him the answer.

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