My wrestling hot takes(Might get me canceled or in lot of trouble)

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Over the time I have been wrestling fan I have realised I have a lot of hot takes so do not get offended because these are my opinions and my opinions only. Instead, lets have a healthy discussion in the comments.

1) Part timers should not win Money in the Bank and Royal Rumble.

There two oppertunities should be reserved for people, who are busting their ass not making 5 apperances in the year. These two oppertunites can ether be used as career making moment or career rejuvination moment(especially if talent comes back from injury/needs redemption after dealing with not awesome storyline... they still can win it but hey storyline can be lousy). Basically, the one who gets championship match should be full timmer more or less.

2) Those, who qualify for MITB should be the participants in the match thus meaning no suprises for 0 reason.

Okay, before you go off, let me explain. Before HHH took over, there were two MITB matches where a male talent entered as a suprise when they did not participate-I understand if it happens once or if let's say one of the talents is injured sadly before matches(I am talking legit injuries not storyline) but when all talents are well then why add suprises... it ends up being too crowded and too uncohesive.

3) All titles should be defended on all PPV.

Championship is something so precious and many talents are fighting to become chamionship, which means they should be booked for the show. I know it is petty but it is something that irritates me. 

4) This will probably get me in huge trouble but NXT should call up the talent when they are properly ''marinated'' to the T. 

I will not name people *cough* Nia Jax* cough* but sometimes I wonder with which place WWE people are thinking when calling up people?  Because sometimes they call up wrong people at wrong time while keeping more than ready people in NXT... I do not hate Nia ... I dont wish her harm but I do not like her and that is my perogative plus Nia Jax is a perfect example of a talent, who was called up way too damn early. 

She had amazing start and hell I was even rooting for her and her success but over time I saw how awful she is in the ring and I have seen the good the bad and the ugly. The fact that she took out two people out of PPV/PLE  really left a bitter taste in my mouth and before you say what about Seth Rollins, what about Sasha Banks/Mercedes Mone?  Accidents will sadly happen yes ... no sport is safe  but with Nia it was way too much too quick.  Plus Seth and Mercedes who are  two people  that went and actually earned their respect and their opponets even said that was on them plus they got bigger punishment whereas Nia still got to be in title matches and be last woman standing in SS, which was very not great. She should had been removed from card, replaced with more compitent wrestler. In this situation it is not your place of employent to make you look awesome... if you cannot improve then maybe RASTLIN is not for you!

So to avoid more these instances... make sure talent is properly ready to the T (Especially if they have next to nothing exerience).. This also links with my number 5 point.

5) Training does not stop when you are on the main roster.

I know that 99.999% it is already happening but still just because you are in the big league doesn't mean training stops ... fun actually begins :D.

6) If one does not protect their opponent and does nothing to improve then no title matches until one  improves.

Champion(main, tag,midcard) is the face of company thus why they should lead by example. This means not be a PR nightmare, present yourself (talking, interviews, attitude) and most importantly protect your opponent. How can I, a wrestling fan know that putting body on line and protecting opponent/partner goes hand in hand  where I see some talent who are wreckless yet they should be pros?

Anyways, accidents will sadly happen in any sport but one should not ragdoll their opponent/purposley injure their opponent because if you do then as DJZ aka Joaquin Wild would say and I am paraprasing ''You have no place in industry''. Also, if talent does not want to improve they should be given 30 days notice.

7)WWE Tag team division is next to non-existant

I am talking about both men and women and I have four major reasons why.

1) Good teams that make sense and can be something awesome get broken up while two randoms are put together and they get all the gold. AEW/IMPACT/NJPW  even ROH are miles ahead in tag team divsion... I would even say lightyears ahead.

2) The belt design makes me so sad but what to expect for division that has been treated as afterthought :/

3)NXT should had  not introduced NXT Womens tag belts becase the original belts were meant to be defended on all three brands. 

4) Why would free agents, who are beyond awesome go to place where they would be made as joke? For example, My Faves FTR had their contracts up and Vince apologists said they would come back to FED? Why would one of the most decorated tag teams, who are just getting started go to place where tag division does not exist? Or Young Bucks? 

8)Enough HOTPOTATOING championships.

IT DOES HARM to prestigie, it is dumb, it is stupid. It will never happen, it will never be cool.  TNT CHAMPIONSHIP DESERVES BETTER.


9) Hall of famers/Legends should not participate in title match.

This is especially directed to hall of famers... there is nothing wrong with you winning match but BOOKERS should not book legend to win gold from fulltimer, who is trying to build a name for themselves. 

10) Ronda Rowsey should had not debut after Asuka had won the first ever Royal Rumble for the ladies.

If they wanted Ronda to debut on show, there are better options:

A)debut as audience member,

B)Royal Rumble match as participant ... she did had history with WWE.

C)keep it as suprise till the WM.  She is already established name -people would had poped for her.

11)Sometimes celebs, who paricipate in matches are miles ahead than other talent.

This hot take will be bit palente cleanser since I write about actress, who becomes a wrestler ;D.

Bad Bunny, Pat Buck,late Andy Kaufman, Logan Paul Snooki and Mr T were the celebs who wowed me with their skills and I will even say make full time wresler run for the money(in some cases)

12) The narative of ''Nia punching Becky made her star'' and ''The Elite hates FTR'' needs to stop!

1)Becky was already  beyond  over before punch happen and how the heck a already established name could be made into a star by  a nepo baby? Also, pop quiz who did Dwayne The Rock Johnson choose to be in his biopic series? Becky Lynch :D.

2) The Elite allegedly vouched for FTR to become FTR Three belts and whatever bullshit they have that is between them and not us. I love these both teams eaqually and I dont participate in the discourse but I am getting sick and tired of people making up fake bullsheet! You do not know them!

13) It is okay to like more than once promotion.

I am a living example, who is not connected to one brand because I realise it is better to support the talent over company because at the end of the day... talent is the same person except they wear a different jersey.

14) Tribalism needs to stop 

This kinda repeats my previous point but still attacking other person for not liking your fave is not cool and it should be stopped. It is 21st century... it is so lame to act all tribal just because of wrestling. It should be fun and enjoyable :D.

These are my hot takes. What are yours? Let me know in comments :D

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