Wise words(AEW situation)

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I was looking for the pictures for my books, and this is what I found

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I was looking for the pictures for my books, and this is what I found ...
I agree with every fucking word. This little paragraph says because what AEW came out, it was an alternative for those that were sick and fucking tired of WWE bullshit.
Also, I am really disgusted (yeah I might over exaggerate but I don't give a shit) that those who think that just because a certain person is gone, many people will follow... newsflash newsflash my brother in Christ and my sister in Christ....
Many of those talents, who are there came before Philip entered the picture and those talents actually get along with the rest of the people I know how to play nice.
Case in point , Young Bucks and FTR...
FTR... who are on the friendly terms with Philip, actually get along with Young Bucks quite well for two consecutive weeks they delivered bangers... also also Dax Harwood even told that he blames his anxiety why was hic up at the start now they all can play Nice and get the fuck along.

In addition how fucking dumb it would be, that many people would quit just because one person is not there... if they are happy there and they can be expressive and everything is fine and dandy... why would they leave? Plus after hours, they can still meet up if they please... all of them are grown ass, people would probably drivers licenses and nice amount of money... meet ups or not the problem...

Not to mention, those who whine and said that they will not watch AEW just because CM Punk  is not there and you think it's wrong that he was let go... leave. Nobody is forcing you to stay it's not an airport where you have to announce your departure.... But don't bitch and moan online and pray for its downfall is fricking gross fricking lame fricking immature.... AEW will do just fucking fine and new fans. will appreciate the new era... some who even left might even come back...

Just watch whoever you want to watch and don't be a dick wad. Have a good fucking day.

Peace ✌️

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