Regarding my updates(how it will be in the future from now on)

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So,real talk ....

First of all I would like to take accountability for being a lousy updater (example, I promise to update, but eventually I don't do it)... it's a very awful habit that I have, but I am trying to get rid of it. It is not fair to you. It is not fair to me. It is not fair to anybody.... I really love writing and the fact that I am doing this shit is not cool....

Basically what I will do from now on is not speak when I'm gonna update ... I will just give a announcement that * Insert BOOK name here* is/are updated... in the words of late Steve Cash(he was amazing YouTuber who unfortunately, passed away from sucide)  and I'm trying to stick by it "quality over quantity" I would rather give you one good qualitative, amazing, juicy riveting chapter than three half ass. Chapters... sometimes it will be week(not literally) but both work week and weekend and sometimes it will only be weekend. Thankfully, I am a freelancer and I do work from home so it's a bit easier in a way.
It will protect my mental health because I don't want to burn myself  out which is also very very bad (I don't want to return there.. I've become an unpleasant person to be around. Basically I've worked really hard to become the best version of myself) but at the same time I will be able to give you content to love and enjoy.

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