4 potential books

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I've been trying to put this out for awhile, but I did not know how to put it together so it makes sense and now that I have... I just want to say that I have  4 potential book ideas.  Do not get me wrong Cash and Ryley are my number 1 ship who will get lot more stories, but I do also have some more ideas regarding other OCs... I have way more, but these ones are the ones that are most well shaped at the time of the posting plus all of them probably gonna be serious because I'm not one book girl :3

1)I have OC Hayley Stevens and she is paired up with Chris Bey from ABC and the basic story idea is that Haley comes back to TNA Wrestling and is paired up with the ABC because all three of the individuals have lots of similarities and due to the fact that she had a bad relationship with Andrade El Idolo she has sworn off dating her coworkers but Chris Bey loves her a lot and wants her to prove it's OK to mix business and pleasure and just have whole 9 yards.

2) Effie Hardy paired up with Swerve Strickland... This story idea is Effie ending relationship with Colt Cabana (Sorry Colt) and she reconnected with her old friend Brian Cage who worked with her in TNA Wrestling and they start working together and he introduces her to Swerve who enchanted by her and basically they start storyline that changed their life forever.

3)Once again Effie Hardy with "Say His Name and he appears" Joe Hendry...Effie I forgot to tell you is Matt Hardy's daughter with Lita so as she and her dad return to Impact(not connected to the book number two)  and they do broken universe once again, but she reconnect with old flame Joe Hendry who she saw when she lived in Scotland... Do they have the same spark.... Or it's just passing fancy....

4) Is more wholesome but also ramantic Hayley Stevens and  Drew McIntyre being happily married and having a girl at while being a power couple..

Which one intrigues you the most and which one I should post first? Let me know when the comments....

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