Why I will probably skip Mania as viewer (Roman/Rock/Cody gate)

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Before you start reading this... This is just my opinion don't get offended

I usually do not bitch and moan about wrestling booking decisions, but this time I am pissed I am fuming...

Cody Rhodes-a man who has won two royal rumble matches back to back... Gets an opportunity to fight for the championship... Gets pushed aside for The Rock(all the respect to his accomplishments, but why do you have to do it at expense Cody plus doing it when there's a huge scandals to distract the paying customers from heinous crime is really really pathetic... Let Cody have his moment and hopefully the victims of the scandal hurt by Vince and Co get proper justice and the perpetrators face the music)

This brings me to my next point, which kind of connects with my introduction....

Royal rumble winners... Should get one on one match at WrestleMania and  I started to think that when Charlotte was added to that Wrestlemania match(yeah we got Becky two belts and that's cute and it's everything but Becky had earned her spot whereas Charlotte could have had a match with Asuka where she could have gotten her lick back)

I will say this and I will say this again... For Royal Rumble and Money in The Bank winners should be thought over long and hard because their win is pivotal part of the other storylines... It's kind of like baking a cake... You have your eggs you have your chocolates you have your milk flour ... If you put a wrong ingredient in the cake, chances are the ending will not be good...

Same goes here... Higher ups need to think and freaking hard who they want to beat their top guy or top girl(for ladies so far winners have been great, but for the guys the last successful cash in was Big E cashed in successfully, hopefully if WWE stop fucking around being stupid, Yabba Dabba dingdong  Damien breaks the curse) ... if they were six months period have wowed you built them up... Don't put people ASAP in the title picture and then it backfires... if you cannot decide who do you want to hold gold and cash in... Maybe rework the concept 

Same with Mania, if you cannot earn a spot at the card then I'm sorry sit this one out sadly... Not every time you're gonna get the big slice of cake sometimes you're just gonna get just scraps... That's how sadly life is... And I'm not attacking anybody, but I'm just saying you're not gonna get participation trophy 24/7 just because you have a cute face... Sometimes you have to be non-title feuds and sometimes you have to sit out some events that's how it is sometimes....

Additionally, Bayley... The woman who has won the royal rumble and has become the third ever of horsewomen who have done it is not on the poster.... How is that fair? She has earned her spot at the WM.... Put her on the poster cowards!!!

This brings me to my third point, the fact WWE did put Roman and Rock on the show, but Cody is pushed aside so he goes for the cancellation prize a.k.a. the world heavyweight championship... (It's a gorgeous belt by the way... But still) the dude who has earned the match gets pushed aside for a guy that serves a distraction for the heinous scandal... Really really leaves, bitter taste in my mouth... And the fact that WWE really started cleaning house and lying about before cleaning, and not when the article came out really shows where the priorities at... They also started cleaning when they started losing sponsors... Show that they don't care about women, they don't care about as much as they say... And all of this really made me realise that maybe I don't want to watch Mania until at least they take shit seriously and allow full timers to be in their well-deserved championship fields and part-timers have non-title fields...

Also, if they gonna put people in feuds, which are earned by somebody else who is their full-time and has won their opportunity fair and square then what is the point of Royal rumble or MITB

Also, I am grateful for the alternatives... Especially TNA because they have really stepped up the bar a lot

Sorry for the long rant but this has to be said

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