Why do not like WWE as much as I used to(Serious and not clickbait)

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JDJoker19 inspired me to speak up so here is my 5 cents 😁❤️ 

You probably know by my account I love wrestling and WWE was the first prominent company that I connected with as wrestling fan.  I been a fan ever since I can remember myself...I have not seen events live(have not had privilege yet but huge dream and I know eventually it will happen! Even if it means I have to travel abroad)

But I do love wrestling and I even watched it when I was on holidays with fam. 

Anyways...let's get down to the business.

Around 2015-ish it reached all time  high - so high that it was peak of fan.

It is also around the time that I joined here, but somehow  around 2019/2020 the passion slowly faded  away for me regarding WWE... How do you spell watched it but it wasn't the same as it was.

One of major reasons were

1) Same old same old in title picture-rinse and repeat whereas there are several talent who is sitting catering doing nothing ,

2) Certain talents( not gonna mention them by names since IDC about them but still eww) got rewarded with good stuff while doing next to nothing to improve while talent who only had few slip ups yet got bigger punishment or go on breaks and return and get opportunity  without working ...td:lr bad booking very bad booking decisions in general(I.e adding Charlotte Flair to Winner takes All  when she does not need million titles plus she lost RR and should had earned spot if not well tough fn luck kid, better luck next time toots or Jon Moxley using his best friends, real life illness in the storyline are just some that were like nah, fam I am out)

3) Releasing actually talented people who have potential due to budget cuts and  lying about profits 

4)And I realised it was not all cool and dope as I saw ... pink glasses fell off.

But anyways... Basically, I got tired of the bullshit and ...

However, around the same time I discovered/rediscover alternatives that were much better and I loved more.

Mainly was the one the only  BTE which also lead to conception of AEW where many talents said that AEW REJUVINATED their love for wrestling etc and even there the jobber looks much better and can work on the side if he or she pleases  such as other dates or conventions ... thus why I now write books about AEW talent as the main centre of attraction  in my books with some  WWE talents being featured too because I do like some of the talents and I think it's gonna stay that way, because that's just the best for me. I will probably also did well in Impact/ ROH/NJPW eventually.

Plus, it is better more for my mental health :/ I would personally watch a produce where talent is mentaly happier over a company, that is not all awesome anymore, and maybe talent gets championship match, but they are not mentally happy there.

That is my opinion,

How about you?

Write comments down below, and let's have a healthy, sweet discussion

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