Object OCs

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This is a drawing of some of my TrueOCs!

If it's hard to read, here are there names from left to right:

Holli - red heart

Krystal - diamond ring

Static - gold tv

Fern - leaf pot

Cherryl - cherry

Jolly - popsicle

Kole - dog hat

Vigi - moon tree

Remedy - healing spray

Poison - poisonous mushroom

Sugar - donut

Trix - pacman ghost

Lemon Blast - Glass of lemonade

Willow - cloud

Timmy - 7-legged spider

Entry - (I'm not really sure what he is)

Jack (pot) & Jill (flower) - flower pot

Champainge - wine glass

I have 2 extra object ocs that aren't in here who are named Poule and Kiki.

Poule is a puffball object who's gray with fluff covering his eyes and Kiki is one of those food canisters you usually put soup-related food in (forgot what those are called).

(Also, ignore how some are circled)

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