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This is it.

The end of the journey.

Well, at least the first half of it.

OBVIOUSLY, I will make a second Art Book after this! I LOVE sharing my art on here with you guys!! It's probably a lot better than going up to someone and shoving it in their face while begging for their input. (not saying I've done that before)

Currently, as I am writing this on my computer, my mom bought me and my brother new phones, so our old phones are sitting on the charger waiting for the data to be backed up so we can transfer it to our new phones.

HOPEFULLY, the data will actually transfer and I won't have to go through the trauma and denial of losing all of my drawings from my old phone, but I'm sure that won't happen!


I mean, it's literally only been close to a year since I created this book! (is that a normal time frame?) Actually, relating to that, ITS BEEN ALMOST A FULL YEAR SINCE IVE BEEN ON HERE????

Time has seemed to fly by a LOT faster nowadays, huh? Or is that just me...?

FORGET THAT, I am glad to be ending off this book with a HUGE difference between my art. I mean, just LOOK at the difference between the 2 Willow drawings!

Also, I'm still shocked by the sudden hyperfixation switch from BFDI to REGRETEVATOR. I still am in the OSC definitely, (I REALLY LOVED BFDIA 9 ITS MY FAV SO FAR) It's just so crazy how months, YEARS EVEN (idk I haven't been counting), of buckets and buckets of love for everything BFDI and the OSC as a whole suddenly get shadowed by a Roblox game.

I think I've ranted on for quite some time, second Art Book is coming soon! Thank you all to those who have been staying along with me through this!! I can't WAIT to see how my art will improve in the future!!

With further ado, this is BluePotato, signing off!

~Art Book~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant